Page 141 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 141

Sounds wonderful.                                  4   ... until you reach The Needles. wh1ch are some
                                                                spectacular rocks standing out 111  the sea, very
       COl Track 21                                             spectacular .
       Jamila    OK, well, I'm going to talk about Tennyson Down,   5   Why is the place so beautiful? I th1nk it's particularly
           which IS a ... a large steep hill not very far from where   beautiful because 1t's such an unspoilt area. it's protected.
           I live in the south of England. You have to walk up it,
                                                             6   ... it's a wonderful day out, good exercise, fresh air.
          you walk quite a long way up. about a mile or two miles,
                                                                fantastiC v1ews and very, very relaxing.
          until you get to the top, where there's, there are these
           fantastic v1ews across the sea  111  all directions, you can
                                                           Unit 6
          see all around the island. At the top of the hill, there's this
          wonderful stone column - it's a memonal to a famous
                                                             C02 Track 1
          Brit1sh poet.
                                                             So I thought that I'd first say a few words to help orientate you
          I've been there, I, perhaps, I th1nk perhaps the last time
                                                             round the bank1ng system. As new arrivals, one of the first
          was a few years ago, I went w1th my family - my parents
                                                             things you'll want to do is open a bank account. This will allow
          and my SISter. We walked up there. It was a lovely sunny
                                                            you to receive your money transfers, pay your bills by direct
          day and there weren't too many people around. The
                                                             debit and all sorts of other thmgs that will make your life easier.
          weather was quite warm. We could see for perhaps 20
          m1les and then once you're up at the top, actually we,   One m1stake I th1nk a lot of people make is to just wander 1nto
          you, we sat down and I th1nk we had a p1cn1c, ate some   the first bank they see. thinking that all banks are much the
          sandwiches and then continued the walk. You walk down   same, and ask to open an account. In actual fact, they all offer
          another two or three miles, until you reach The Needles,   somethmg slightly different, and some of the differences can
          which are some spectacular rocks stand1ng out in the sea,   affect you quite seriously. For example. for those of you who
          very spectacular, and then we walked down to a, a place   are study1ng at the u111versity here, you may have not1ced that
                                                             there are two or three banks w1th branches near the un1vers1ty
          called Alum Bay. where there's a car park and bus stops,
          and took a bus back home.                          - Great Western and Moneysafe, for example - but only one
                                                             - Finley's - actually has an office 1ns1de one of the un1vers1ty
          Why is the place so beautiful? I think it's particularly
                                                             buildings. For the others. you'd have a bit more of a walk.
          beautiful because 1t's such an unspoilt area. 1t's protected.
                                                             Some banks g1ve away free g1fts: Evergreen offers a laptop
          It's all very green and although 1t's quite steep, It's easy
          to walk on. and all1n all, it's a wonderful day out, good   to people who keep a balance of more than £5,000 for n1ne
                                                             months; w1th InternatiOnal Un1on, you'll get a phone when you
          exercise, fresh a1r, fantastiC views and very, very relaxing.
                                                             open your f1rst account, and one or two others. like Moneysafe
       Examiner  Thank you. Do you thmk you'll ever go there
                                                             and Northern Star, offer mountain bikes or vacuum cleaners 1f
          again?                                             you put money on deposit. That sort of thing.
       J   I th1nk so, yes, probably. I'd like to.           More seriously, you should look at the sort of interest rates
       E  And have any of your friends vis1ted th1s place?   the bank will offer you, both If you need an overdraft or loan,
                                                             or if you're hop1ng to get some interest on your savings. At
       J   Mm, I'm not sure. Poss1bly, but not With me!
                                                             the moment, Northern Star offers the highest rate of interest
                                                             to savers, but Great Western will lend money at a lower
       COl Track 22
                                                             percentage than normal to people registered on h1gher
       Jamila    Well. I th1nk 111  general people like to go to places   education courses. So you can see it really is worth look1ng
          wh1ch are well-known tourist destinations because, you   around.
          know. generally people like to feel safe when they're on
                                                             Another thing 1t's a good 1dea to enquire about are bank
          holiday, especially when they travel to a fore1gn country.
                                                             charges. Aga1n, they're not all the same. Some charge the
          I th1nk usually people choose places where there are
                                                             same across the board, such as Evergreen, F1nley's and
          plenty of hotels. so they can get good accommodation.
                                                             Northern Star, but Moneysafe actually say that if you're in
          and plenty of th1ngs to do, so they don't get bored. Also
                                                             cred1t. your account won't cost a th1ng - though, JUSt like the
          people tend to choose places where they th1nk the
                                                             others, as soon as you go 1nto the red, the1r prices become
          weather w1ll  be good, especially if they want to do things
                                                             pretty steep.
                                                             CD2 Track 2
       COl  Track 23
                                                             Of course, one of the th1ngs you'll want as soon as you open
       1    . there are these fantastic v1ews across the sea 111  all
                                                             your account is a debit card, so I thought I'd give you a little
                                                             tour of these essent1al little p1eces of plastic. If you look at the
       2   At the top otthe hill, there's this wonderful stone   slide, you'll see that on the front at the top they tend to have
          column  ..                                         either the name of the bank or the company which has issued
                                                             the card. Then a bit more than halfway down on the right.
       3   It was a lovely sunny day and there weren't too many
                                                             you'll see th1s hologram with a p1cture which appears to move
          people around.
                                                                                              Recording script @
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