Page 146 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 146

C02 Track 15                                         C02 Track 18
               Examiner  We've been talkmg about a museum that you   Museums are somet1mes a bit expens1ve. but 1f the school
                  enJoyed VISitmg, and I'd like to d1scuss w1th you one or   pays. 1t's OK. and there's such a lot to see  '
                  two more general quest1ons related to th1s  Let's cons1der
                  first of all museums and young people  What benefits can   C02 Track 19
                  schoolchildren ga1n from VISiting museums?        1   F1rst of all. I they can.§.xpenence th1ngs directly, I  .. you
               David     Oh. OK  Um, well. they can learn about the     know. I they're noun the classroom any more. I they're 1n
                  culture of the1r country or other countnes   you know   a d1fferen~nv1ronment
                    about customs and the way people lived - what they   3   I don't th1nk there'~ny doubt I that museum~re much
                  wore. what they d1d and all that k1nd of thmg  Museums   betteut educat1ng children now ... /In the past. I th1nk
                  are sometimes a bit expens1ve. but 1f the school pays, 1t's   museums had a different functiOn, I um, they were JUSt
                  OK, and there's such a lot to see  The displays can be   places to keep anc1ent obJects. I like co1n~r pots,
                  really good                                           but now they're, I   well. I therfl.Qre many mteract1ve
               Examiner  What benefits can schoolchildren ga1n from     displays
                  VISiting museums?
                                                                   Practice test
               lin I th1nk the benefits are huge! F1rst of all, they can
                  expenence th1ngs d1rectly   you know. they're not 1n the   C02 Track 20
                  classroom any more, they're 1n a different envwonment.
                  and the exh1b1ts seem much more real   they see the   Man    Good afternoon, KT Furn1ture. can I help you?
                  actual objects. not JUSt p1ctures of them. Another benefit   Woman   Oh. hello. yes. um, I'm sett1ng up a new office and
                  IS that. um, museums often have act1v1t1es for children   I don't have 1nternet access yet. but I'd like to place an
                  to part1c1pate 1n, so that they can learn about thmgs like   order for some furniture
                  history, sc1ence, the world and so on
                                                                    M  That's fine  You can do 1t over the phone. and I can fill m
                                                                        the form for you th1s end
               C02 Track 16
               Examiner  How do you th1nk most children feel about   W  Oh great, thanks
                  VISitmg a museum?                                 M  I JUSt need to take a few customer deta1ls f1rst. 1f that's OK?
               David     I th1nk they find them bonng  I don't think they
                                                                    W  Yes. fine
                  really understand what museums are for   they don't
                  f1nd them fun  L1ke me - I used to prefer to play football   M  What name IS 1t?
                  If we had to go to a museum. I wasn't happy about that
                                                                    W  Myname?
               Examiner  How do you th1nk most children feel about
                                                                    M  Yes
                  VISiting a museum?
                                                                    W  Oh, 1t's Sue Brown
               lin Well, I th1nk some children enJOY lookmg at all the displays
                  and exh1b1ts   because when you get Inside a museum.   M  Sue Brown -thanks.
                  1t's like go1ng mto another world  But I th1nk there are also
                  children who are too. um. restless to look at th1ngs  And
                  they see th1s b1g. old bulidmg and th1nk that It can't be   M  Good afternoon, KT Furniture, can I help you?
                  1nterest1ng or have anyth1ng that would entertam them
                                                                    W  Oh. hello, yes. um. I'm settmg up a new office and I don't
                                                                        have Internet access yet, but I'd like to place an order for
               C02 Track 17
                                                                        some furn1ture
               Examiner  Are museums more educatiOnal now than they
                                                                    M  That's fine  You can do 1t over the phone. and I can fill 1n
                  were when your parents were young?
                                                                        the form for you th1s end
               David     Well. 1n the past. there was noth1ng to do there.
                                                                    W  Oh great. thanks
                  Because years ago. museums were m very old build1ngs
                  and they were qu1et and people weren't able to touch   M  I JUSt need to take a few customer details first. 1f that's OK?
                                                                    W  Yes. fine
               Examiner  Are museums more educatiOnal now than they
                                                                    M  What name IS 1t?
                  were when your parents were young?
               lin I don't th1nk there's any doubt that museums are much   W  Myname?
                  better at educat1ng children now because that's what   M  Yes.
                  they are des1gned to do  In the past. I th1nk museums had
                  a different functiOn, um, they were JUSt places to keep   W  Oh, 1t's Sue Brown
                  anc1ent objects. like co1ns or pots. but now they're   well.   M  Sue Brown - thanks. And what's the name of your
                  there are many 1nteract1ve displays.                  company, Ms Brown?
            §   Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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