Page 148 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 148

CD2 Track 21                                             Um. if you're meeting up with friends and want to be
                                                                     around when the runners set off (that's 9 a.m . by the
            Announcer Now. we're grateful to Fred McKinnon for coming
                                                                     way). whatever end of the city you're coming from. I'd say
               1n to the studio today to give everyone a few tips about the
                                                                     use the trams. They still have routes that cross roads. and
               city marathon that's taking place next Saturday ...
                                                                     this will inevitably lead to some problems. but they're likely
            Fred  Thanks. Shweta. Yes. we're all very exc1ted about the   to have more reliable timetables than buses at this time of
               big event. Let me JUSt rem1nd listeners that a marathon is a   day and. as you know. unlike taxis. they can carry plenty of
               26-mile. or 42-kilometre. race, and this year we have   passengers.
               12.000 runners taking part. So, if you're thinking of going
                                                                     Lastly, the buses. Quite a number of bus routes will  be
               out to support the runners - and I know that many of
                                                                     altered slightly, and it's already been decided that some
               you are- here are some t1ps to help make your day more
                                                                     will be closed. There won't be fewer drivers. but they will
                                                                     be operating on different routes and some will have longer
               First of all. be certain to plan your day. Don't leave   breaks than they normally do. We'll be including a full list
               everything to the last minute. Many roads are going to be   of all the bus routes and numbers and where they'll be
               closed - we don't have exact times for these closures yet.   going in this week's local paper. so. er.  look out for that.
               but my big advice to you is don't rely on your car to get   Well, um, that's it from me. Back to you. Shweta.
               you anywhere. In fact. the best way to get around the   Announcer Thanks very much. Fred.
               town will be on foot. You may choose to cycle, but you still
               won't be able to go on roads near the runners' route.   CD2Track 22
               Now, we did a broadcast last week in which we told all our   Tutor   Come in!
               runners to wear the right kind of shoes ... and I'm going
                                                                 Ahmed      Hi.
               to tell you to put on sensible clothes. A lot of visitors will
               be coming to the city, you may be hunting for someone in   T  Oh. hello. Ahmed  .. . how are you?
               the race that you want to support. the weather may be hot
                                                                 A  Fine. thanks.
               or it may be wet ... Which leads me on to another thing -
               make sure you look at the forecast on Friday night. If it's   T  Have a seat. So ... how do you think the seminar went last
               going to rain. take an umbrella; and if it's going to be hot.   week?
               take some drinks. However, please don't try to pass these
                                                                 A  Oh, well .. . I enjoyed it. yes. though I'm not sure I really
               to the runners. We already have hundreds of volunteers.
                                                                     followed parts of the discussion that took place - you
               who'll be standing on the roadside, so let them give out
                                                                     know. about the theory and all that ...
               the drinks.
                                                                 T   Well, we can talk about that later ... but were you
               When you get into the town, find yourself a spot to stand
                                                                     comfortable in a group?
               in  ... you may well want to walk up and down the route,
               but please don't cross the road. There could be thousands   A  Oh. it's better. I think. than working on your own - though
               of people running towards you. some very tired and not   you're comparing yourself all the time with the other
               able to focus clearly. We don't want any accidents, and   students there.
               runners don't want obstacles like you in their path. What
                                                                 T  OK. well. let's talk about how you did and look at some
               they do need is your support - particularly when their   strategies to help you in the future.
               energies are low - so cheer them on. and for once. don't
               worry about noise! The louder. the better.        A  That would be great.
               Lastly, if you have friends or relatives who're taking part in   T  Now, one of the things that students often overlook when
               the run. please don't say that you'll see them at the finish   they go to seminars is that you do need to prepare for
               line. If everyone does that. the whole area will be terribly   them. You can't rely on other people.
               congested. and you won't be able to find anyone. Well,   A  I know. and I did look at the results of the experiments we
               that's most of the advice ...                         did in class and write them up beforehand  ... as you said.
            (Pause)                                              T  Yes ... and that was good, it made it easier to analyse

               Now. I mentioned transport earlier and I've just got a few   them. But you have to do some background reading as
                                                                     well. Did you get the list of articles I sent round?
               more bits of information about travel on the day.
                                                                 A  Mmm - I've started to read them  ...
               As I said before. roads in the town centre will be closed,
               but if you need to be picked up at your home. then you   T   OK. well. you'll know that for next time.
               could take a taxi some of the way. Unlike the trams
                                                                 A  Yes, yes. sure.
               and trains. however, they'll be held up on the roads. so
               passengers shouldn't expect them to be as punctual   T  So let's move on to your participation in the seminar.
               as they normally are. Don't be put off by this. though -
               there'll be extra dr1vers working that day, and you'll get   A   Right.
               one eventually.                                   T   Perhaps you can tell me how you think that went?

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