Page 153 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 153

(i}  8 B (from paragraph B:  Techniques such as crop rotation ... )  Pronunciation
             9 E (from paragraph B:  ... compared to the amount of
                                                              6  Suggested answers
                carbon dioxide ... )
            10 B (from paragraph D:  ... the amount of sunlight and rain   1 ... -;;:re students, so we can't afford to eat in
                crops have received ... )                             ~          .__,
                                                                   restaurants very often.
            11  D (from paragraph D:  ...  how long ago it was dug up.)               ~ ..__,
            12 B (from paragraph E:  ... the closer a plant is to its natural   2 I really like going to the local market ...
                state, the more likely it is that it will poison you.)                       ~       ~
            13 E (from paragraph G:  ... in rural Africa, it is a disaster.)   3 .. . everything you get there's fantastic - it's so
         listening                                                 fresh.
                                                                           __.::,   .__,
         6  Suggested underlining
                                                                  4 ... it's a pedestrian street ... you know, there are
            l  why I  fail I  balanced diet                          ~
                                                                   no cars ...
            2 staff I  keep fit by                                                                  ..__,
            3 Which benefit 1 most important                     5 There's a large number of stalls that sell food  - and some
            4 What advice 1 health and safety                       ~---;}
                                                                   shops too  .. .
            5 hygiene I asks I  nurses
         @) 1 B  (it's often too easy to grab something quick,  because   6 I've got a fav~ite st:it it's run by a little old
                you're tired or busy)                              __:::,
                                                                   lady ...
            2 C  (it may just be a question of doing things differently)
                                                                             ~  __.::,
            3  A  (you'll find  that you don't lie awake at night)   7 As I've mentioned, I like it because the food
                                                                   taste~od, but also it's a very so~le p~.
            4 C  (you shouldn't work  for than three hours without a
                                                                       ~  ~                   ~         ~
            5 C  (don't leave even a small amount of rubbish around)   8 All in all, I like it because it's a great place to go  ... it's a
                                                                     __.::,     ---;}
         €} 6 C  7B  8 H  9 E  lOA
                                                                   colourful experience.
         0  2 healthily  3 unhealthy  4  healthy
                                                               0  2 F (There are two parts: whether the statement is true or
            5 healthier  6 healthiest
                                                                   not, and what influences people.)
         6  2 healthily  3 (un)healthy, healthier, healthiest
                                                                  3 F (Also need to discuss what influences people.)
         @) 2 -ly  3 - ful, -y, -less, - able  4 in-, ir- , un-
         0  2 hMffty harmful  3 uneonv enient inconvenient
                                                                  5 F (It only asks you to  include any relevant examples from
            4 ttSefttH useful  5 shghtty slight  6 weatt+t wealthy
                                                                   personal experience. You can't do this if you don't have
            7 eftS)' easily  8 dramatieal~ dramatically
         Speaking                                              @) 1 Over time  2 As  a result  3 In particular
                                                                  4 also  5 On the other hand  6 In addition
         6 c                                                      7 Another  8 In fact  9 In conclusion  10 Although
         @) 1 market  2 fresh  3 home  4 station  5 stalls        Notes:
            6 fish  7 lady  8 Sociable
                                                                   1 Nowadays is grammatically incorrect because it is used
         0  1 talk about  2 goi ng to  3 tell you                   with the present simple. Over time refers to  the recent
            4  what's it like  5 buy  6 mentioned  7 in all         past as well as the present, so the present perfect tense
                                                                    is  used.
                                                                   2 As a result and therefore link a cause with its effect or
                                                                    consequence; therefore is used more often when what
                                                                    comes afterwards can be proved, e.g. I'm allergic to
                                                                    wheat and therefore I can't eat bread.
                                                                   3 In particular is a linking phrase; especially is an adverb.
                                                                   4 Also and as well mean the same as too, but they come
                                                                    in different positions in the sentence or clause. Also
                                                                    usually goes before the verb, so it  is in the right position
                                                                    here. As well usually goes at the end of the clause:  worry
                                                                    about ... as well.

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