Page 156 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 156

Speaking                                                4  French: the fall  to 2005 I the rise to 2006 and the stable
                                                                      pattern to  now
            0  where you were:  1,  5
                                                                      Mandarin: the rise to 2005 I  the dip in 2006 and the
               what happened: 4, 8
                                                                      fluctuation to now            "
               how  well you communicated  in the language: 6, 7
                                                                    5 Paragraph 1:  in troduction and summary of main trends
               why you remember this situation or experience: 2, 3
                                                                      Paragraph 2: summary of trends and differences/
            6  Suggested answers                                      similarities
               1 on holiday I summer break I  visiting aunt I Windsor
                                                                      Paragraph 3: overview of graph
               2  took a trip 1 flat tyre I  recovery van fixed it
                                                                 6 e, h, f, c, g, b, j, d, i, a
               3 on the phone I spoke fairly good English 1 didn't know   e 1 fell;  dipped
                the word for tyre
                                                                    2  reached a peak
               4 difficult situation I  learned what flat means
                                                                    3  has remained fairly stable
                                                                    4 rose d ramatically
                mtroducmg a  stage 1n  the   g1vmg reasons I        5 fluctuated
                story                     explanations
                                                                 ()The table provides some background information on the
                A couple of years ago     This was because          staff working in a global hotel chain. The information
                Eventually                The reason why            goes back to  1975 and covers languages spoken and
                So  the next thing we did                           qualifications, as well as previous work experience.
                Before we went                                      1 the percentage of staff who speak two or more languages
                At  the time
                                                                    2 the percentage of staff with previous work experience
                As soon as
                                                                    3 the percentage of staff who have a language qualification
                However, one morning
                                                                 0 1 5 percent  2  22 percent  3 2 percent
                                                                    4 Ten percent  5 23  percent  6 79 percent
            Pronunciation                                           7 78 percent  8  55  percent
            6  2 reason  3  lives  4 just  5 waiting  6 she      G} a significant rise; a slight fall;  rose; rocketed; fluctuated; a
                                                                    peak; a sudden fall;  went up and down
            Vocabulary                                           f) Suggested answer
            0  2 found out  3  learn  4 Learning  5 know            Languages have become more important than experience
                                                                    in the hotel industry since 1975, but far more staff can
            e 2 Jearn  3 teach  4 find out  5 study
                                                                    speak other languages than have qualifications.
            Key grammar                                          Q 2 between  3 by  4 of  5 in  6 to  7 at
            0  Suggested answers                                 0  2 increased \7\fef from
                                                                    3 a rise cl in
              1 b  2 a  3 c
                                                                    4  peaked w at
            6 a2  b 3  c 1
                                                                    5 fell  mt by
            e 4  went; hired; picked up; reached (past simple)
                                                                    6 decreased t:tfttH to
              5 didn't know (past simple)
              6  arrived (past simple)                              7 Duriftg the period ef Between 1986 and 1999
                                                                    8 an increase by of
               7 have I learned (present perfect)
                                                                 ® sample answer
            () 1 d  2 a  3b  4c  Sa  6 a  7b
            0  2  visited  3 have been  4  has become  5 ate  6 was   The line graph shows the percentage of new graduates who
                                                                    found jobs as teachers of English and French in Ontario
            Writing                                                 each year from 2001  to  2007.
                                                                    At  the beginning of the period, teachers of both languages
            0  Suggested answers
                                                                    had approximately a  70 % success rate in finding jobs,
              1 It shows how many 13-year-old students took French   although French teachers were slightly less successful than
                and Mandarin in a school in England between 2000    English teachers. The fol lowing year, recruitment for both
                and the present.                                    categories fell  by approximately 15%  to 55%.
              2 They are opposites. Figures for French have gradually   However, in 2003, teachers of French began to be more
                fallen. Figures for Mandarin have risen.            successful at finding employment than their English-
              3 Significant similarities: the 2010 figure           teaching colleagues. Their recruitment rate rose to nearly
                Significant differences: 2000 and the trend to 2005   70%, where it stabilised, with minor variations, until2007
                                                                    when it rose again to just under 75%.

          @ Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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