Page 157 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 157

On the other hand, the employment of new graduates as   0  2 7 a characteristic of social networks  8 something sent
           English teachers decreased sharply to 40%  in 2003.  During
                                                                  or given to people  9 something which shows how long
           the following two years, the number acqui ring jobs rose   people spend on websites  10 visits? attention?
           slightly to 44%  in 2005 before falling to just over 25%  in
                                                                3 7 sizes  8 messages  9 web surfing  10 attention
                                                              0  1 11  Whose writing improves
           Overall, the graph shows new graduates in Ontario
                                                                  12 not reviewed extensively
           managed to find more jobs as French teachers than
                                                                  13 Which publication invited authors
           as English teachers over the same period.
                                                                2 11  bloggers  12 scientific research  13 Nature
         Unit 4
        Reading                                               f) 1/2 1 noun (singular)  2 noun (singular)
        0  1 The Internet connects millions of computers together   3 noun (singular)  4 noun (singular)
                                                                    5 noun  (singular or plural)
             globally, forming a  network in which any computer can
             communicate with any other computer as long as they are   ~ photo/photograph  2 organisation  3 letter
             both connected to the Internet. The World Wide Web, or   4 local issue  5 advertising
            simply the Web, is a way of accessing information over   0  1 A flow chart is a diagram showing the different stages of
             the medium of the Internet.                          a process in order.
        f) Keeping track of large scientific projects, linking electronic   2/36 noun  (singular)  7 noun (singular or plural)
           documents about particle physics in laboratories a     8 noun (singular or plural)  9 noun (singular)
           round the world, personal social networking, political   10 noun (singular)
           campaigning, transforming the business of doing
                                                              0  6 pyramid  7 quotes/quotations  8 figures
           science, publishing journals online, making links from
                                                                 9 conclusion  10 headline
           one scientific paper to  another, recruiting amateur
           scientists to help professionals, acting as an experimental   Vocabulary
           laboratory, carrying out research, opening up scientific
           discussion, encouraging effective collaboration, reviewing I   0  1 factor  2 cause  3 reason
           commenting on articles                             f) cause of, major/crucial factor in, reason for, the reason why
        ~ Suggested underlining                               ~ A major factor which causes this serious problem is
                                                                  pressure on students.
           1 Tim Berners-Lee 1 famous I  before he invented the World
             Wide Web  (paragraph 1)                             3 The growth of big cities has its human, economic and
                                                                  political causes.
           2 The original intention I help manage I  complex project
             (paragraph 2)                                       4 This chart shows the main reasons why agricultural land
                                                                  is losing productiveness.
           3 Tim Berners-Lee I active in politics  (paragraph 3)
                                                                 5 We work hard throughout our student life in order to
           4 professional and amateur I work together
                                                                  prepare for  the future, although this is not the only
             (paragraph 4)
           5 second galaxy project I  more galaxies (paragraph 4)
           6 Herbaria@home's work I reduce the effects of climate
             change (paragraph 4)
                                                              0  In this case, you could use any of the vocabulary in the
        0 1 FALSE  ( ... a then little-known computer scientist ... )
                                                                 box, depending on how you use your favourite website.
           2 TRUE  ( ... the Web  was invented to deal with a specific
                                                              0  Suggested answer
             problem. In the late 1980s,  CERN was planning one of the
                                                                 Answer A doesn't answer the question - the speaker talks
             most ambitious scientific projects ever ... )
                                                                 about himself and does not give a general answer; the
           3 NOT GIVEN  (Political campaigning is mentioned, but not
                                                                 answer is irrelevant. The speaker does not show that he has
             in connection with Berners-Lee.)
                                                                 understood the question.
           4 TRUE  ( ... permits professional scientists to recruit   Answer B is the best: it's quite a long, detailed answer to
             thousands of amateurs to give them a hand.)         the question and demonstrates a range of well-expressed
           5 FALSE  ( ... classify one million images [. .. ] a successor has   vocabulary and ideas.
             now been launched, to classify the brightest quarter of a   Answer Cis too short and doesn't get to grips with the
             million of them ... )                               question or even demonstrate understanding of how?
           6 NOT GIVEN  (The project tracks changes in the    0  1 The second one
             distribut\Pn of species in response to  climate change, but   2 Reasons:  for their jobs, too much time sitting down, saves
             no mention is made of reducing its effects.)         time

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