Page 160 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 160

Unit 6                                               listening
                                                                 () 2c  3 g  4 a  5 e  6 d  7h  S f
                                                                 6  Suggested answers
            () 2 f  3d  4c  5 e  6g  ?a                                                             '
                                                                    I  branch on the campus
            6  Suggested answer
                                                                    2 free gift  for  new customers
              The passage will probably be about retailers' understanding
                                                                    3 special interest rates  for students
               of shoppers' psychology and how they can use it to  get
              people to buy more.                                   4 no bank charges for certain customers
            €) Any three from  the following: Getting people to slow down,   €) I B  20  3 C  4 E
               promoting goods near the entrance, getting people to relax   0  5 picture  6 magnetic strip  7 signature
               and enjoy themselves,  making people feel good by offering   8 bank logo  9 date  10 chip
               fresh fruit and vegetables early on, forcing people to walk to
               the back of the store to  get necessary items, placing popular   Vocabulary
              items halfway along aisles so shoppers have to search
                                                                 () 2  to  sell; to be  3 browsing  4 to purchase
               for  them among other goods and to increase the length
                                                                    5 not buying  6 not to buy
               of time they spend in the store, encouraging feelings of
              hunger with smells from the bakery,  placing more profitable   6  2 correct  3 to improve improving  4 bt:ty-iitg to buy
              products at eye level or slightly to the right, placing goods   5 correct  6 increasing to  increase
               at the end of aisles where they're more easily seen, offering   7 bttytttg to buy  8 ttrsJwp shopping
               fitting rooms and using decoys to help customers decide.   €) 2  to go  3 watching  4 to improve  5 having
            0  1 The layout of a typical supermarket                6 to come  7 buying  8 to get
               2 Gaps 1 and 2 explain the purpose of the zones, gap 3 is
                a type of counter, gap 4 is probably an object or type of
                product.                                         6  Suggested answers
            0  I  promotion  2  unplanned purchases                 what the advertisement was for - energy drink, sporting
               3 fruit and vegetables  4 popular items              activity
            0  5 NG  (The greeters are mentioned, but it doesn't say   where you saw or read it - television
                     whether they increase sales or not.)           what the advertisement consisted of- an Olympic athlete,
              6 T    (Fruit and vegetables can be easily damaged, so they   100 metres, natural ingredients
                    should be bought at the end ... selecting these items
                                                                    why you found it  so persuasive - famous successful person,
                     makes people feel good,  so they feel less guilty about
                                                                    university exams, school volleyball team
                     reaching for less healthy food later on.)
                                                                 0  Reasons: to  know a  new product exists, to give information
               7 NG   (It says ... central bakeries ... are much more
                                                                    about products, to attract new customers
                    efficient, but it doesn't say anything about the range
                                                                    Examples: clothes, new drink for sports people
                    of products.)
                                                                 0  1 in other words  2 I mean
               8  NG   (It says To  be on the right-hand side of an eye-level
                    selection is often considered the very best place,   3 how do you say, what's the word
                    because most people are right-handed, but it doesn't
                     say they're more easily persuaded.)          Pronunciation
               9  F  (People say they leave shops empty-handed more   () 'actually
                    often because they are 'unable to decide' than because
                                                                 00 I  ad'vertisements  (4)  2  per'suasive  (3)
                     prices are too high ... )                      3  'energy (3)  4 ac'tivity (4)  5 'television  (4)
               10  F  (In order to avoid a situation where a customer   6 'generally  (3)  7 'advertising (4)  8 'usually (3)
                     decides not to buy either product, a third 'decoy' item,   9  'product (2)  10 'person (2)   11  'famous  (2)
                     which is not quite as good as the other two, is placed   12 su'ccessful (3)   l3 un i'versity (S)  14 ex'pensive (3)
                     beside them to make the choice easier and more   15 ener'getic  (4)
                                                                 0  I  The stress is on different syllables in the related words
            0  The process of producing bread in supermarkets         (ad'vertisements, 'advertising, 'energy, ener'gelic).
            G) 11  frozen ingredients  I2 appetites  13 ready meals   2 The final syllable

                                                                 6 Suggested answer
                                                                    ... outweighs any drawbacks. II (general introduction
                                                                    and writer's opinion)  There are two main ...  you do not
                                                                    really want.  II (the main disadvantage of buying over the
           @ Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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