Page 163 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 163

Pronunciation                                            4 Chart 1:  levels are fairly flat, but the 50-64 age group is
                                                                   slightly less happy.
         0  Suggested answers
                                                                   Chart 2: levels are also quite flat, but couples with
            1 When I was younger,  I~ going to see them - yeah - I   children over 18 are slightly less happy.
              thought it was so .b..Qilng.
                                                                  5 It is more logical to  start with the first chart and then
            2 My sister is very b.SJ.HJ.::w.Q!:\s.\1:\g.  She knows what she   introduce children into the picture afterwards .
              . W.~D.t.s .•  whereas .1.Jn still trying to make some d~.c;:.i.S.i9.D.~
                                                               C) Sample answer
              about that.
                                                                  The charts show the percentage of people in the United
              Dominic uses stress in sentence 1 to show how strongly
                                                                  States who are happy, divided into age groups, marital
              he felt; in sentence 2, he uses stress for contrast.
                                                                  status and whether or not they have children.
         6  Suggested answers
                                                                  According to the charts, 44 to 45  percent of ma rried
                   stressed words       type of stress            people in ages ranging from  18  to 29,  30 to 39  and 65 plus
                                                                  a re happy, while slightly fewer (40 percent)  of those in
             1    all                   emphasising
                                                                  the 50 to 64 age group are happy.  In contrast, only 21
             2    Before, now           contrasting               to 22 percent of unmarried people are happy in all age
                                                                  groups, apart from  those aged 65  and over. Here, there is
             3    gran, own, so pleased   emphasising
                                                                  a significant difference, with 34 percent of people being
             4    architects            emphasising               happy.
                  mum, dad              contrasting               Having children appears to have little effect on happiness
                                                                  levels. The percentage  of happy, married people with
         Writing                                                  children under 18 is 44 percent, while it is 43  percent for
                                                                  those without children and 41 percent for couples with
         0  1 20  2 not always  3 should not  4 should
                                                                  children over 18.
            5 should not  6 your own words  7 need
                                                                  Overall, happiness levels in the US  are below 50 percent.
         6  1 They are linked in terms of topic. They have age groups
                                                                  However, married people tend to be happier than
              in common.
                                                                  unmarried people, whether or not they have children.
            2 How health and money contribute to  people's happiness
              levels at different ages
                                                               Key grammar
            3 Life satisfaction for men and women at different ages
                                                               O l e  2 b  3a
            4 Chart 1:  Different things make people happy at different
                                                               6  I  would  +  verb in main clause  +  past simple in if clause
                                                                  2 present simple in if clause  +  future simple in main
              Chart 2: Older and younger people are happiest, while
              middle-aged people are least happy.
                                                                  3 present simple in both clauses
            5 It doesn't matter, but it might work best to start with the
              single trend, as this is more global.            @} 2 would/might like  3 were/was  4 don't plan
                                                                  5 won't 1 will not pass  6 stopped 1 could stop
         @) 1 a, b  2 a  3 a,  c
                                                                  7 had  8 will  find out
         0  The student is summarising the graph.
                                                               0  2 agreed  3 will  4 don't  5 are
            The following parts of the graph should be circled: the start
                                                                  6 (will) never understand
            of each line at age 15-20; the point where both lines meet at
            age 41-50; the end of the lines at age 61- 70.
                                                               Unit 8
         €) 1 the trend in life satisfaction  2 women's  3 between the
            ages of 15 and 20  4 the scores'  5 scores
         (i) 1 them (the youngest age group)  2 this (55%)
                                                               6  It is about a project to restore a famous actress's dress.
            3 it (this figure)  4 their (the 15-24 age group's)
                                                                  Three reasons from the following: it is  unique; a famous
            5 they (the 15- 24 age group)
            6 these (money and health)                            actress wore it; it is in a painting; the wearer is known;
            7 one (one of the two trends)  8 their (people's)     it has historical value.
            9 it (happiness)                                   @}  1 C   (She knew the power of presentation and carefully
         E) 1 They are linked in terms of topic. Both are about         cultivated her image.)
              happiness levels among married people (but while the   2 B   (The effect had been achieved using hundreds of
              first graph compares this with happiness levels among     wings from beetles.)
              unmarried people, the second looks at the effect of   3 A   (Some people were critical, but they missed the
              childre!loon happiness levels).                           point. The innovations sold tickets and brought new
            2 Trends for  four different age groups.                    audiences to see masterpieces that they would never
            3 Trends  for  three different situations: with children under   otherwise have seen.)
                                                                                                     Answer key e
              18; with children over 18; with no children.
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