Page 161 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 161

Internet)  On the other hand, shopping ...  are often cheaper.   number of solar panels were laid down over a wide area,
            II (advantages)  All in all, I think . . (summary, expressing   enough sunlight could be absorbed to power entire cities,
            writer's opinion exactly)                             effectively ending our energy crisis. The problem is that
         €) 3 They are an introduction to the subject of the paragraph.   the countryside would be spoilt if large areas of it were
                                                                  covered with these things.
         €) Sample answer
                                                                  On  the other hand, there is a network of roads all over the
            It has become more and more popular for students to  work
                                                                  country,  and now even cars are being manufactured with
            for a period of time rather than going straight to university.
                                                                  solar panels on them. If the two are put together, you get a
            There are advantages to this, but I feel that
                                                                  unique solution:  solar panels on our highways. This could
            it is also a risk and could lead to some problems.
                                                                  mean that the panels could be placed along roadways as
            One of the obvious disadvantages of getting a job is   sound barriers, or an even more extreme idea - that the
            that you may find  that you cannot get a university place   roads themselves will be made out of solar panels.
            at a later stage. This is because there may be a lot of
            competition for places, and the longer you wait,  the harder   Unit 6
            it may be to  get one. You  could even find that the course
            you want has been changed or dropped.              0  2 employing; offering  3 to buy; not to do
                                                                  4 to save  5 working  6 playing
            Another disadvantage is that you can lose the habit of
                                                                  7 to save; to take out  8 to be
            studying. For example, school students are trained to
            use a range of study skills, which help them achieve
            academic success. However, if you are not using these   I   G  0   0   D   L   u/ /s' y  /~ T   K
            skills regularly, it is easy to forget them. This could make
            university life much harder.                           N  w    I   T   H   I/   /;y  /o/  /y  L   N   T
            On the other hand, there are several advantages to getting   T  s  T  Q  0  (\/  y
                                                                                        / K  /ry  M  K  u  T
            a job. The first is that you can become independent. For          ~  ~ w
            example, people who earn their own money can afford to   E  M  T                 L   L   L   0   p
            rent their own apartment. In addition, some of the money         Vry  / N  /~"-         y  c
                                                                   R   R   ~       y    ~"  ~    D          L
            can be saved and used to pay for  university fees.  Another
            advantage is that working gives you some time to think   E   IY  v9-"  VF  /y  / y   L"  ~"  ~  R  c  R
            about what you would really like to study. This is very   s   Vy  M  ~    Q  w  R"          .!;  v
                                                                                 / R
            useful if you are unsure about your future career.                                  N:"  ~
            Overall, I think there are arguments for  and against   T  v  T   p   T  w  K  z  z"   N2"  "c   p
            the idea of working between school and university. The   R  n   I   R   E  c  T   0   E   B  J   .TJ
            important thing is to be aware of these issues and choose
            the path that best suits your personal situation.      A  v  M  R  M  K  N  M  R  R  v" "!)

          Key grammar                                              T  G  .0  v  E  R  D  R       A   F   T)  H
                                                                       D  c
         0  2 which  3 that  4 what                                w           L  I(B  R  A  N  c   B)  J  w
         f) 2 who which/that  3 where which/ that                 The hidden message is: Good luck with IELTS
            4  whe they ;ue who/that are  5 who which/that      €) 2 what  3 why  4  What  5 where  6 who/ that
            6 wllitt which/that                                   7 whose/where  8 which/ that
          €) 2 what  3 which/that; what  4 who/that             0 2 The reason why students often leave their jobs is that
            5 What; which/that                                      they take up too much time.
                                                                  3 Young  people whose parents are ambitious for them are
         Vocabulary and grammar                                     often in a hurry to go to university.
               .                                                  4 Students often take a part-time job which/that helps pay
          rev1ew                                                    their university fees.

                                                                  5 Students who work often find this distracts them from
          Unit 5
                                                                    their studies. OR Students work, which they often find
          0  2 greenhouse  3 climate  4 levels  5 fossil            distracts them from their studies.
            6 renewable  7 emissions  8 endangered
                                                                  6 Students often find it difficult to find a job near the
          f) 2 the environment  3 Tourism; tourists  4 nature       college where they study.
          €) Suggested answer                                     7 I got my first job at the age of 18  when I left  school.  OR I
            Could as11halt and concrete eventually be replaced by   left school at the age of 18 when I got my first job.
            solar panels?                                         8 I got my first job in the town where my cousin lives.
            These days, solar panels can be found just about
             everywhere.  It has been suggested that if a gigantic
                                                                                                      Answer key  @
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