Page 162 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 162

Unit 7                                                    9  A  ( ...  Koko broke a toy cat( ... ) Michael ripped a jacket ..  )
                                                                     10 B  ( .. . involved asking youngsters not to take a peek ( ... )
                                                                         Almost all three-year-olds do ... )
            0  Suggested answers                                     11  nervous (paragraph D:  ...  they do not appear
               You share ideas and learn from each other; you take various   nervous ... )
               roles in the project so more information can be gathered   12 feelings  (paragraph E: ... only once mentioned how the
               and relevant topics can be covered in more depth; you have   film made him feel,  compared to the several references  to
               different skills/abilities to contribute to a project, so a  wider
                                                                       his feelings  when he talked about Some Like It Hot.)
               range of areas can be tackled.
                                                                     13 words (paragraph F:  ... the real clues to deceit are in the
            6 Suggested underlining                                    words that people use, not the body language.)
               2 What I  point I  Victor make 1 Fumiko's tutor
               3 What has Fumiko 1 already read
                                                                      Q  answer        I reason it was marked wrong
               4  Fumiko's project must include
               5 Victor I  Fumiko arrange                             11   body language   two words I  a  noun I  wrong
            ~ a2  b l  c4  d S  e3
            0  6 noun I something that is key to the project          11   nervously    wrong part of speech
               7  noun I something linked to animals and relationships
                                                                      12  their feelings   two words
               8  plural noun I places or situations where relationships
                take place                                            12  themsleves    right idea, but doesn't fit
               9  plural noun I  word that means 'aspects' or ' parts'                  grammatically I spelling is
              10 noun 1 word that means 'effects' or 'influences'  (must go
                 with on)
                                                                      12  feeling       should  be plural
            €) 1C  2A  3C  4B  SA
               6 key terms  7 animal world                            13  real clues    wrong answer I  two words
               8 contexts  9 stages  10 influences
                                                                      13  use           wrong answer (even though
            (!} 6 first  7 that  8 that's  9 next  10 end
                                                                                        close to correct word)
            0  2 age group  3 aged  4  age group  5 the age
                                                                  0  2 familiar  3 three  4 vocabulary  5 word  6 question
            6  2 between the ages of I  aged between
               3  aged 10-20 months 1 aged between 10 and 20 months   6  1   Urn,  'make new friends', urn maybe ... new
               4  age group  5 in the S to 11  age group  6 group aged   friends ...
                                                                      2  Mmm, I'm not sure, I've never thought about
            Reading                                                      that ...
            0  1 F (There are three sections: Sections 1 and 2 have 13   2 The second speaker. She avoids hesitating and repeating
                  questions, while Section 3 has 14 questions.)       herself. She also answers the question clearly.
               2 F (It is a good idea to have an overall understanding   3 It allows her time to think about her answer, while still
                  of the passage, particularly when there are different   producing accurate, clear language.
                  arguments presented. However, for many tasks, you   ~ 2 a  3 e  4 b  Sc
                  can use skimming, scanning and other test-taking
                                                                  0  Suggested answers
                  techniques to approach the questions.)
                                                                     1 can be answered directly  2 opener 2  3 openers 1,  S
               3 F (You must spell answers correctly - exactly as they are
                                                                     4 openers 1, 4, S  5 openers 1, S
                  in the passage - to get the mark.)
                                                                  €) 2, S, 4, 3
                                                                  f) t c
               5 F (You should write your answers directly onto the
                                                                     2 a,  c
                  answer sheet. You only get extra transfer time in the
                  Listening Test.)                                €) 1 B, c  2  A,  g  3  C, a  4  D, e
            ~ vi  2 ii  3 viii  4 iv  5 i  6 v
               7 A  (In one example,  (. .. ) signed to indicate that the
                  breakage had been caused by one of her trainers. In
                  another episode,  ( ... ) signed 'Koko'.)
               8  C (  ...  in front of the cameras ... )
           §   Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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