Page 167 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 167

3  §2: comparison of old and new technology; §3: effect of   Listening  Section 3
             speed on the way we write; §4: reason why it's OK and
             reason why it could be bad                         21  c          26  B
          4  and; However; especially;  because; for example; What is   22 B   27  D/ E
             more; Yet; However; All in all; On the other hand   23 A          28  E/ D
                                                                24 c           29  A/ C
          5  The idea of speed
                                                                25  A          30  C/A
          Two opposing views
          1  Suggested answer                                   Listening  Section 4
             Some people like history, and some people can't see its
                                                                31  rain shadow           36  expand
             relevance to today's world.
                                                                32 few inches             37  white hairs
          2  Five views: historians; tourists; people in general;
                                                                33  (other) minerals      38  (sharp) thorns
             youngsters; the writer
                                                                34 collect                39  (very)  tough
          3  §1: introduction  + statement of writer's view;
             §2: views of historians - people who like history;   35  (green) stem        40  plastic
             §3: views of tourists and other people  + example from
                the writer's experience - people who like history;   Reading  Passage 1
             §4:  views of youngsters -people who dislike history;
             §5: conclusion  +  repetition of writer's view      1  TRUE
          4   I  other people  2 the past  3 historians          2  FALSE
             4 beautiful arts and crafts  5 youngsters           3  TRUE
             6 different things                                  4  TRUE
                                                                 5  NOT GIVEN
          To what extent do you agree?                           6  FALSE
          1  c                                                   7  (a)  wire
          2  One, but you have to take a stand and decide how much   8  solar power
             you agree or disagree.                              9  (an) inflatable dummy
          3  2 totally  3 matter  4 food  5 subjects  6 topics   10  a mark
             7 skills  8 deeply  9 children  10 world           11  (an) extending arm
             The words in the box are more appropriate; they are less   12 movement
             vague and display a wider vocabulary.              13  two(-)way communication
          4  b; in the first and last paragraphs (but also implied in the
             writer's arguments)
          5  Caring about the environment is really a social thing.   Reading  Passage 2
             Parents encourage il I Schools teach  it           14 D            21  D/ C
             Reading and writing, on the other hand, are things that   15  E    22  B/ C
             everyone needs.                                    16  A           23  C/ B
             Learn at school 1 Needed for job                   17  F           24  forest footprint
                                                                18  A           25  decaying plants
          Practice Test                                         19 G            26  60%
                                                                20 C/ D
          Listening  Section 1

          (capitals optional)                                   Reading  Passage 3
           1  Dress your Best          6  black/ dark           27 c            34  YES
           2  Kirby                    7  Glass desk(s)
                                                                28 B            35  YES
           3  09356 788 545            8  TG  586
                                                                29 A            36  NOT GIVEN
           4  (extra)  charge          9  yellow
                                                                30 D            37  D
           5  American Express         10  Coffee table         31  B           38  G
                                                                32 YES          39  c
          Listening  Section 2                                  33 NO          40  A
          11  plan                          16  accidents
          12 on foot                        17  finish line
          13 sensible clothes               18  c
          14  (weather)  forecast I  weather   19  B
          15 volunteers                    20  E

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