Page 168 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 168

Writing  Task 1

           Sample answer
           The data show how people felt about the service provided by                              '
           US airlines between 1999 and 2007.
           Firstly, the graph indicates that general satisfaction levels rose
           slightly, from 65  percent in 1999 to 72 percent in 2007, while
           the percentage of dissatisfied customers fell to
           24 percent over the same period.
           According to the table, customers were most satisfied with
           the politeness of airline staff and plane schedules, and least
           satisfied with the seating. Data provided for 2007 show that
           only 47  percent of travellers felt  the seats were comfortable. In
           contrast, satisfaction with staff remained fairly stable at about
           90 percent over the eight-year period, and rose in the case of
           schedules from 75  to  79 percent. However, the biggest increase
           in satisfaction was in connection with ticket prices, where
           figures rose by 20 percent to  65 percent in 2007.
           Overall it can be seen that levels of satisfaction were quite
           high throughout the period, and customers were most satisfied
           with the service from staff.
           (174 words)

           Writing  Task 2
           Sample answer
           We all need healthy food every day, but it is particularly
           important for children to eat well because their bodies are still
           Most people agree that it is difficult to Jearn anything if you
           are hungry because the brain needs food in order to function
           well. Studies have shown that children who are hungry have
           trouble concentrating and become slow learners. In addition,
           the school day can be quite long and involve many activities.
           Teachers cannot expect children to participate fully if they
           have an empty stomach.
           Many children do eat something at school, even if it is only a
           snack. However, some snacks are not very nutritious. Crisps
           and chips, for example, are very fatty and contain a lot of salt,
           while biscuits are sugary. Although these food  items may
           increase energy levels, they only have a short-term effect.
           A healthy meal, on the other hand, will keep energy levels
           higher for longer and help children learn more easily.
           In my view, it is up to parents and schools to make sure that
           children eat healthily. Schools may provide meals, but if
           parents prefer to decide what their children eat, there needs to
           be a choice. In my country, children can either have a school
           meal, which they pay for, or bring a packed lunch. I think this
           is a good system, but in other countries a different system may
           be preferable.
           In conclusion, a healthy meal will definitely help children to
           study more successfully.  However, both parents and schools
           have a responsibility to make sure that this is provided for
           (264 words)

          @  Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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