Page 165 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 165

Pronunciation                                           they are badly dressed. Some banks and airlines are so
                                                                   concerned about image that they provide uniforms for their
           O b                                                     staff. Personally, I think this is a good idea. When someone
           f.) See recording script on page 144.                   is doing business, jeans and T-shirts just seem too casual.
                                                                   On the other hand, if you work in an IT company and you
           Writing                                                 never go out, do you need to dress well? A technician might
           0  1 40  2 twice as many marks as  3 you will lose marks   argue that the important thing is how well  they do their job,
              4 must  5 needn't  6 is  7 try to use complex language   not what they wear. But after a visitor has seen a shabby
              and risk making mistakes                             employee in the office, they might decide to  take their
                                                                   business to another fi rm.
           f.) Some people argue that fashion items cost too much money.
                                                                   When I was a student, I thought that clothes did not
              Others say that this is acceptable because fashion is an
                                                                   matter.  Now that I have left college and started working in
              important part of life.
                                                                   a company, I think that I should take pride in my work. If
           0  Some people say that prices should be lower in shops ...
                                                                   I am dressed well, I feel more efficient, and that may even
              However, there are other people who say they are happy to   improve my work.
              pay for designer clothes.
                                                                    I would conclude that being smart is important. Some
              The writer's opinion is in the second and fourth     employees may say they feel  unhappy about this, but they
              paragraphs.                                          can easily change and wear something more informal when
           00                                                      they have left work. The office is a different environment.
              A suggesting what    X may argue that ...          Key grammar
                might be someone  (in sample answer)
                else's view        [Celebrities] might say that ...  0  2 Before (Until)  3 After (When)  4 when
              --               -                                    5 until (before)
              B giving a clear     Personally, I agree.
                opinion of your    (in sample answer)           f.) 2 Staff cannot smoke until they have left 1 leave the
                own                I can understand their point of   building.
                                    view.                          3 After you have worn casual clothes to work, it is hard to
                                   Personally, I think ...           wear a suit.
              C introducing        Other people disagree.          4 Some people don't go shopping until the sales start I have
                an opposing        (in sample answer)                started.
                argument           However, there are other         5 Employees all look the same when they put on a  uniform.
                                    people who say ...              6 Before designer brands were introduced, customers spent
                                   On the other hand, ...            less money on clothes.
              -        --
              D giving someone     In X's opinion, ...              7 When I have spent all my money, I (will)  go  home.
                else's view        According to X, ...           €) 2 bought  3 we graduate  4 we achieve
                                   (in sample answer)               5 grow up  6  reach
                                   Some people say that ...
                                   . .. [fashion designers] would
                                    also argue that ...          Vocabulary and grammar
                                   According to people in the
                                    fashion business ...         rev1ew
                                                                 Unit 7
           fJ 1,  2 (if brief and in different words), 4, 5 (only if relevant),
                                                                 0  2 reassuring  3 irritating  4 persuasive  5 bored
              7 (no new points should be included)
                                                                    6 concerned
           (i) 7,  1, 4
                                                                 f.) 2 the age  3 age group  4 the ages  5 aged
           ® Sample answer                                          6 age  7 the age  8 age group
              Traditionally, people who work in offices have worn smart   €) 2 would say  3 doesn't  4 met  5 thin k
              clothes to work.  No one thought about changing this until
                                                                    6 cannot  7 is  8 might  9 you find
              a few companies brought out a 'casual clothes' policy. Now
                                                                 0  In every society, people need to build relationships
              suits have become less common in some organisations; but
                                                                    with 8ftother other people. These relationships can take
              is it wise to allow employees to wear casual clothes?
                                                                    place at work, school or home. Wherever it they occur,
              Insurance companies that have a strong public image
                                                                    it is important that people understand each other. An
              would at;gue that they need to  have smart employees in   organisation will not function well  if thei-r its members are
              order to  promote their products. Before they meet a client,   unhappy. Good managers understand the this point and
              sales people often check their appearance because they   make sure they reward employees for good work.  In fact,
              know that customers will not buy things from them if   when you take time to understand what people want and
                                                                                                       Answer key @
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