Page 159 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 159

7 G ( ... thinks companies should begin transmitting small   0  0
               amounts of solar power as soon as the North African
                                                                   introduces the  I explains that one  I explains that two
               plants begin operating,  by linking a few cable lines under
                                                                   first part of the   thing happens   things happen
               the Med .. . If it can  be shown that power from the Sahara
                                                                   process         after another   simultaneously
               can be produced profitably, he says,  companies and
               governments will soon jump in.)                     •  the process   •  as a result   • as
                                                                     starts when   •  when the wave   • at the same
            8 E ( ... is building one solar-thermal plant in Algeria and
               another in Morocco ... )                            •  first         goes down       time
                                                                   •  In the first   •  as a       • meanwhile
            9 A  ( .. . is testing solar plants in Oman and the United Arab
                                                                     stage of the    consequence
                                                                     process       •  following this
         0  1  10 plural noun  11  singular noun                                   •  In  the next
              12 noun (a  place)  13  noun                                          stage
            2 Paragraph C                                                          •  next
              10 mirrors  11 steam  12 depressions                                 •  then
              13 irrigation
                                                               0  Sample answer
                                                                  The diagrams explain where wind turbines should be
         6  2 fantastic  3 wonderful  4 lovely  5 warm            placed and what they look like.
            6 spectacular  7 unspoilt  8 fresh
                                                                  According to the diagrams, there are three possible
         0  1 Three ideas (go to well-known tourist destinations for   positions for a turbine. A large industrial turbine would
              safety; choose places with plenty of hotels for good   be built high up on a hillside where the wind is strongest,
              accommodation and lots of things to do; choose places   and these turbines can produce 1.5 megawatts of power.
             where weather will be good)                          On the other hand, smaller turbines that produce about
         0  I  the present simple                                 100 kilowatts of power for domestic use can be found on
                                                                  rooftops. A third possible position is in the sea. Here, there
            2 in general, generally, usually, tend to
                                                                  is less impact on the countryside, but winds can still be
                                                                  very strong.
                                                                  While the locations may be different, the turbines
         0  2 wonderful
                                                                  themselves all have the same special shape. They consist of
            3 lovely; sunny
                                                                  a tall tower made of strong steel and on top of this there are
            4 spectacular; standing; very
                                                                  three blades made of fibreglass or wood. The turbines are
            5 beautiful; particularly; unspoilt; protected
                                                                  controlled by a computer which can alter the direction and
            6 wonderful; good; fresh; fantastic; very, very relaxing
                                                                  angle of the blades according to the information i.t  receives
         6  1 adjectives                                          from a sensor.
            2 They're words which express her feelings/enthusiasm   Clearly, most wind turbines are very large, and all turbines
             about the subject.                                   need to be exposed to a lot of wind.
         Writing                                               Key grammar

         0  See sample answer in Exercise 2.                   0  is  pushed
         6  2 enters  3 rises  4 passes  5 connected           6  can be placed, is connected, is sucked, can be placed, can
            6 sucked  7 turns  8 installed  9 produced/generated  10   be installed, is generated/ produced, can be placed, can be
            produced/generated                                    generated/produced
         €) Suggested answers                                  e band c
             .. . placed. 11 The machine ... a generator. II When the   0  2 have been closed down .
            wave ... the turbine. // The machine .. . to install.// In
                                                                  3 can be used for lighting homes.
            general ...
                                                                  4 will be subsidised by the government.
            Paragraph 1:  Introduction: what the diagrams show
                                                                  5 is heated.
            Paragraph 2:  The first part of the process
                                                                  6 to be consumed in summer months.
            Paragraph 3: The second part of the process
                                                               0  2 eafl solve can be solved
            Paragraph 4: Where the machine can be located
                                                                  3 ftot all stJbjeets teach not all subjects can be taught I  not
            Paragraph 5:  A general conclusion
                                                                   all subjects are taught
                                                                  4 should reduce should be reduced
                                                                  5 which eaused which is caused
                                                                  6 are doin~ are done
                                                                  7 is used for is  used by
                                                                                                     Answer key @
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