Page 154 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 154

5 On the other hand is a linker that introduces an   4  Similarly,  paragraphing is assessed at each Band level,
                  alternative argument; on (the) one hand introduces a   and students need to show that they can use paragraphs
                  first argument and is followed by a contrast later - often   (even if they make mistakes) to score above Band 5.
                  on the other hand.                                 5  The more accurate students' spelling il the better.  If
                 6 In addition adds a further supporting argument to a   spelling mistakes cause confusion for the reader, students
                  previous point; besides also adds a point, but a  more   may not achieve Band 6 for vocabulary.
                  important, conclusive point than the original argument,
                                                                   ~ Sample answer
                  e.g. I don't think I'll drive to the fELTS  test centre next
                                                                     Nowadays, children have many more opportunities to lead
                  week.  Besides,  I haven't got a car at the moment.
                                                                      a healthy life than in the past because generally they live
                 7 Another adds a point or argument to a list; the    in hygienic surroundings and have plenty to eat.  However,
                  other usually adds a second point to a  first, on the   modern lifestyles mean that many children spend long
                  understanding that there are only two points in the list.   hours in  front of the television or computers, do not take a
                 8 So  introduces a logical consequence and could be used   great deal of exercise and eat an unbalanced diet.
                  here.  However, it has already been used in the previous   I believe both parents and schools can do a  lot to  remedy
                  sentence, so this would be poor style. Plus the statement   this situation.  Parents should limit the time that children
                  that follows is not necessarily a consequence. In fact is   spend sitting down and should encourage them to  take
                  better because it means 'actually' and introduces more   more exercise. They could, for example, play sports with
                  information.                                        them at the weekend. Schools also should include regular
                 9 Concluding is an adjective, not a linker.          exercise in their timetables, with activities such as physical
                10 Even though would be correct here, but even on its own   education and compulsory sports.
                  is an adverb:  This journey is taking even longer than I   As far as diet is concerned, both parents and schools
                  expected.                                           should provide children with a  range of foods which
             0  I  Five paragraphs                                    include plenty of vegetables and fruit and only small
                                                                      amounts of fat.  If children are brought up on a healthy
                2 A general statement about food production and attitudes
                                                                      diet, they learn responsible eating habits and this,
                 towards this
                                                                      combined with plenty of physical activity,  helps them to
                3  In the introduction and conclusion                 grow into healthy adu lts.
                4 Yes, in the fourth paragraph                       On the other hand, 1 think that governments and health
                5 First sentence in second and fourth paragraphs      authorities have a responsibility to  teach people how to
             0  Suggested answer                                      create a healthy lifestyle for children. This can be done,
                                                                      for example, by broadcasting programmes about healthy
                Para. 1 - introduction: many ways to buy food I  many
                                                                      eating on television, or by giving courses to new parents
                                                                      on how to bring up their children.
                Para. 2 - first influence: people shop to suit their lifestyle,
                                                                      In conclusion, 1 believe that governments can encourage
                e.g. single people, people with large families
                                                                      and help by giving information to  people.  However, the
                Para. 3 - people with time can think about how food  is   responsibility for bringing up children with a good healthy
                produced                                              lifestyle lies with the people who are in regular contact
                Para. 4 - second influence: where people live, e.g. fresh   with them, in other words their parents and their teachers.
                food easy to get in my country
                Para. 5 - conclusion: cost one factor I some value quality   Key grammar
                above it                                           0  Countable:  attitudes; uncountable: food
             f) IT  2F  3T  4T  SF                                 f) food products [C] ; ways (C]; people (C);  time [U];
                Notes                                                 money [U]; aspects [C]; importance (U]; fish  [U];
                1  If students copy the question or parts of the question into   issue [C]; consumers [C]; factors (C);  interest [U]
                  their answer (at any stage), the examiner will not include   €}
                  these words in the word count  (or in the assessment of
                                                                       countable nouns   uncountable    countable or
                  vocabulary)  and this means that their answer may be
                                                                                        nouns           uncountable
                  short and they will  lose marks.
                2  Task 2 must always be written in essay form  - if students
                  use bullet points, they will lose marks for format and will   a  (wide)  range of,   much, a little,   plenty of, most,
                  not score above Band 5 for Task Response (content).   many, a few, a/   a great deal of,   a lot of, any,
                3  Evidence of planning is important for Coherence and   an, (very)  few, a   little,   some
                  Cohesion  (organisation); a 'clear overa ll organisation' is   (large) number of   a considerable
                  required to achieve Band 6 or above.                                   amount of
                                                                   0 2 a few  3 many  4 a lot of  5 much  6 little
                                                                      7 number  8 a lot of

            @  Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159