Page 150 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 150

C02 Track 23                                          Another adaptation not directly connected w1th water but w1th
                                                                 surv1val1s found on someth1ng like the Pnckly Pear Cactus
           In today's lecture. I'm gomg to contmue our work on plants
                                                                 There are hundreds of these 1n the Mex1can desert  I'm sure
           and talk about plants that live 1n the desert  Now. JUSt a bit of
                                                                 you've seen them on films and adverts   Um. y~s. so because
           background 1nformat1on first  As you know. about a th1rd of the
                                                                 desert plants store water 1n the1r spongy t1ssue. ammals Will
           world IS covered 1n desert. and the sort of area they're found
                                                                 eat them. So the plant has sharp thorns spec1ally des1gned to
           1n 1s Important  Deserts are usually created because the area
                                                                 prevent the predator from be1ng able to - well. get near 1t at all
           of land where they he 1s located 1n somethmg that's called a
           'ra1n shadow'  Now. th1s IS a reg1on that's beneath a mountain   Our next plant 1s called the Desert Spoon  Th1s plant has long
           range, and what happens 1s that the w1nd blows over the   leaves that fan out. and they're very succulent because they
           mounta1ns towards the area, but as 1t does so. the aw loses 1ts   can also store water 1ns1de. However. they're also usually very
           mo1sture and becomes very dry.                        tough. and this helps keep the water 111S1de and also makes
                                                                 them less tasty.
           Because of th1s 'downwind' location, ra1nfall often totals JUSt
           a few 1nches a year or. 1n some reg1ons. there's absolutely   F1nally, we come to the Aloe Plant  Th1s IS one that many
           none  And you can 1mag1ne the effect of th1s   It means that   people keep 1n the1r homes. It's an attractive plant wh1ch has
           whatever ra1n does fall evaporates qu1ckly from the ground,   leaves that look and feel rather waxy ThiS surface behaves 1n a
           and that makes the so1l salty   and also leaves behmd a   s1m11ar way to a plastic wrapper and helps the plant to hold the
           whole range of other m1nerals as well.                water m. It's a wonder plant. th1s one  Its JUICe has been used
                                                                 as a mediCine for centunes, and even today, you can find 1t 1n
           Now. desp1te th1s, deserts are home to many hv1ng th1ngs  In
                                                                 products on the pharmacists' shelves or 1n creams and lot1ons.
           fact, they're second only to tropical rainforests 1n the vanety of
           plant and an1mal spec1es that live there              OK   well. we're g01ng to take a closer look
           So. how do plants grow 1n a place that's so dry? Well. they're
           specially adapted to do th1s  In fact. many of the fasc1nat1ng
           features of desert plants are adaptations -these are tra1ts that
           help the plant surv1ve 1n 1s harsh environment  And desert
           plants have two ma1n adaptations: the first 1s that they have an
           ab1hty to collect water and to store 1t. Some have large root
           systems and amazing 1nternal water-storage systems  The
           second adaptation IS that they have features that can actually
           reduce water loss   and these are often very spec1al leaf
           des1gns or additiOns to the plant structure
           So let's have a look at some examples  Desert plants often look
           very different from any other plants
           OK  Th1s first one IS the Saguaro Cactus. wh1ch grows 1n North
           Amenca  It looks a b1t like an open hand w1th long fingers  Th1s
           plant has a large network of roots that extend far. far away
           from 1ts trunk. and these roots collect water after ram. then
           the water's taken here to the green stem Th1s IS where all1ts
           water IS  kept, and 1t keeps the whole plant alive until the next
           ram comes  It's a pretty, woody plant - 1n fact, um. 1ts skeleton
           IS actually used 111  bu1ld1ng matenals. so 1t's qu1te strong
           Th1s next plant IS called the Barrel Cactus - named because
           1t does look rather like a barrel. It can grow up to a metre m
           he1ght. which IS pretty b1g, and 1t has long, yellow sp1nes. Now.
           this plant has an 1nterest1ng adaptation because 1ts shape
           allows 1t to expand when 1t rams - hence the barrel - and store
           water 1n 1ts spongy t1ssue  But then 1t shnnks 1n s1ze dunng dry
           t1mes as 1t uses the stored water  So that's a clever des1gn
           Th1s th1rd cactus - often JUSt one plant reach1ng upwards -
           has these white haws all over 1ts surface. It's called the Old
           Mon Cactus because of the wh1te ha1rs. and these help the
           plant reflect the hot desert sun  So th1s adaptatiOn IS a water
           conservation a1d 1f you like

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