Page 149 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 149

A  Yeah, well, I'm not used to talktng to more than a couple   (Pause)
              of people - 1t's very different from the way we learn in my
                                                                T  Now, I'm going to suggest a couple of strategies for next
              home country
                                                                   week's sem1nar.
          T  Yes, I appreciate that.
                                                                A  OK - that's great. I need to participate more.
          A  So I th1nk I, um  .  well, I know I should have included   T  Well, it's not a quest1on of saytng more - but we need
              everyone, but I think I kept turntng to the person next to
                                                                   everyone to feel comfortable about g1v1ng the1r v1ews.
                                                                A  Then the d1scuss1on IS better.
          T  Is that because you were avo1ding eye contact?
                                                                T  Yes. So ... you're a confident person
          A  I don't think so - I'm not shy- 1t's JUSt habit, I th1nk.
                                                                A  Should I make sure I'm near someone who's QUiet?
          T  Well, that will improve as we do more seminars.
                                                                T  You can do, but it's more about how well you pay attention
          A  Uh-huh.
                                                                   to other students.
          T  Um, another difficulty IS knowmg when to speak.
                                                                A  OK - so I need to be attentive.
          A  Ltke when 1t's your turn?
                                                                T  Yes, and then encourage someone else to say more by
          T  Yes.                                                  saytng: 'What did you mean when you sa1d  .  ?'or 'What
                                                                   do you th1nk about the 1dea that ... ?'
          A  I felt I did watt for a pause
                                                                A  That way I'm talking  ..
          T  Yes. you handled that QUite well.
                                                                T  Yes, but you'll find that other people will talk, too. You'll all
          A  The thing I'm really concerned about is keeptng up with   start to get really Involved.
              the diSCUSSIOn.
                                                                A  R1ght - they're good suggestions.
          T  Ah, does your mtnd wander off?
                                                                T  The other thmg that can really help 1s the way you take
          A  Somet1mes. I JOt down a lot of information, but I still find
              myself th1nk1ng about something else when lots of other
                                                                A  Yeah, I know I wnte down everything, but I should be
              students are talking.
                                                                   stricter with myself.
          T  Mmm. If there's an asstgnment to do at the end of a group,
              that usually helps!                               T  Well, you actually need to th1nk a few days ahead.
          A  I'm sure 1t does                                   A  Really?
          T  OK. Now, the last thtng I want to look at IS the role that   T  Yes - 'What's the top1c?' and 'What's the best way of
              you play 1n the semtnar.                             mak1ng notes?'
          A  What do you mean?                                  A  I see. So I have a strategy when I walk 1n the room.
          T  Well, when students work 1n groups, they don't all behave   T  Exactly. Then, when you read through them later, they'll
              the same way. Some students are quiet. some look for   make sense and you won't have to wnte them out aga1n.
              support. some ask a lot of questions .  . .       A  I always have to do that'
          A  Oh ... that's a new 1dea to me. I don't know what I'm
                                                                T  The other thmg I would say IS that you should 1nclude a
              like ...                                             small column 1n your notes where you can JOt down thtngs
          T  That's probably because you're th1nk1ng about your own   you want to go back to before the sem1nar ends.
              performance all the time.                         A  L1ke a reminder.
          A  I guess so. I mean, should I be different 1n some way?   T  Yes  Notes aren't JUSt for later - you can use them as a
          T  What I would say IS that when we do the next semmar, you   prompt when there's a pause 1n the d1scuss1on.
              should look more at the people around you   you know,   A  That's been really helpful
              look outside yourself.
                                                                T  OK - see you 1n class tomorrow.
          A  Like, ask myself how they feel?
                                                                A  Thanks.
          T  Yes, or what they're look1ng for from the group.
          A  OK.
          T  It doesn't take much, but 1t's important to watch what
              other st~ents are do1ng.
          A  OK, I'll do that.

          T  F1ne. Now,  .
                                                                                                 Recording script @
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