Page 152 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 152


            0  2 ...  and the percentage of people in prison ...   Unit 2
               3  ...  to a two percent.
               4 ...  approximately 58 pereent3 percent.          Starting off
               5 ...  that the percentage ...                     0  I  battery farming  2 pesticide use
               6 ...  to 25  pereentage percent ...                  3 outdoor farming  4 natural fertiliser
            ® Suggested answers                                      5 crop rotation  6 genetic engineering
               1 The chart shows some of the problems people have when  6  1 Organic vegetables and fruit are grown using natural
                 they go abroad by age group.                         fertiliser and soil. Organic meat is farmed outdoors where
               2  (see 1 above)                                       the animals are reared in a healthy environment with
                                                                      plenty of space.
               3 Their biggest problem is sorting out healthcare; 37%  have
                 this problem, compared with 36%  of the older age group   3 Photos 3, 4 and S
                 and 32%  of the younger age group.
               4 The middle age group has the most problems related to
                 money (35%), compared with 34%  of 18- to 34-year-olds   0  The last sentence of the subheading suggests that the writers
                 and 29%  of 55-year-olds and over.                  are going to  question whether organic food  is better for the
               5 The middle age group has the most, and the oldest age   environment and for people's health. So this passage is likely
                 group the least.                                    to contain some arguments by the writers, and it is useful to
                                                                     try and understand these arguments, as they form  part of an
               6 The middle age group
                                                                     overview of the passage.
            m Suggested answer
                                                                  6  The writers are against organic food.
               The chart shows three areas of dificulty people have when
                                                                  8  Suggested underlining
               they move to another country and how these dificulties
                                                                       research I  organic food 1 better for  us
               vary according to  age.
                                                                     ii  Adding up I cost I organic food
               The greatest problem for people of all ages is arranging
                                                                     iii  factors I  affect food quality
               medical care. Between 32 and 37 percent of all people find   iv  rich and poor I  differently
               this a problem.                                       v  description I  organic farming
               The second biggest problem is organising finances.    vi  Testing I  taste I organic food
               Although only 29 percent of people over 55  are affected by   vii  Fear I science I  created 1 organic trend
               this, 35  percent of the middle age group and 34 percent of   ix  hidden dangers 1 food
               the 18-34 age group experience difficulties in this area.   0  2 v  3  i  4 iii  5 ix  6 vii  7 iv
               In contrast, fewer people have difficulties with education.
                                                                  0  Suggested underlining
               While 19  percent of the 35-54 age group have trouble
                                                                     Questions 8- 9
               finding a suitable school for their children, the percentage
               of people in the other two age groups is much lower at 6   mention I connection 1 organic farming
               percent for the young age group and 3 percent for the over   Options
               55s.                                                  A use of pesticides
               In general, all people experience problems to some extent.   B same field I  different crops
               However, the percentage of the 35-54 age group who find   C soil quality
               their new arrangements difficult is slightly higher than the   D  reducing 1 farm workers
               others,  particularly in relation to education.       E greenhouse gases
                                                                     Questions 10- 11
            Key grammar                                              factors I  affect I  nutritional content of food
            0  b1  c2  d4                                           Options
            6  2 harder  3 friendlier I  more friendly  4 warmer; colder   A who prepares
               5 Older; better                                       B weather I growth
                                                                     C where I  food 1 stored
            8  2 better best
                                                                     D when I plants I removed I earth
               3 more clean and safe cleaner and safer
                                                                     E type of farm
               4 The~ highest
               5 wttrSet worse                                       Questions 12- 13
               6 more  vv ell better                                 negative aspects 1 organic farming
                                                                     A Consumers complain 1 cost
                                                                     B make people ill
                                                                     C Farm workers 1 specially trained
                                                                     D too much 1 technological expertise
                                                                     E not possible 1 some countries
           @  Complete IELTS Bands 5-6.5
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