Page 155 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 155

Vocabulary and grammar                                    8 C (mini-lectures I  wouldn't have to spend too much
          review                                                    9  mobile phone(s)

                                                                   10  digital recorder(s)
          Unit 1
          0  2 affect  3 trouble  4 effect(s)  5 problems       Reading
             6 effect
                                                                0  1  A Daddy's gone out.  I  Daddy's going out. 1 My  father's
          @ 2 percentage  3 percent  4 percentage; percent
                                                                      gone out. I  My father went out
             2 False (Australia, not the United States)  3 True
                                                                     B I'm going for  a walk.
             4 False (second highest, not third)
                                                                     C I've eaten my biscuit I  all the biscuits. 1
          €) 2  more quickly  3 best  4  most complicated
                                                                      The biscuit's all gone.
             5 funnier  6  bigger  7 most successful  8 safer
                                                                @  Suggested answer
          Unit 2                                                   Something about how babies learn to talk and the stages
                                                                   !they go through
          0  2  harmful  3 enjoyment  4 totally  5 tasty
                                                                €) When their brains are ready
             6 organically  7 unhealthy  8 criticise/criticize
                                                                0 1 YES
          @ 2  activity/action  3 danger  4  fitness
             5 happiness  6 independence  7 toxin/toxicity      0  Suggested underlining
             8 nutrition  9  reliance/reliability  10 accuracy     2  Behaviourists 1 learn to speak I copying (links to
                                                                     sentence beginning: Behaviorism ... )
          €) 2  information  3 A Balanced diet  4  pollution
             5 knowledge  6 fast-food shops  7 a very stressful    3  Children I  more conversations I adults I other children
             lifestyle  8 research                                   (links to sentence beginning: However,  this 'copycat'
                                                                    theory ... )
          0  2  a  3 little  4  much  5 amount of  6 plenty of
             7 few  8 deal of                                      4 Scientists I  work out I  one-word sentences (links to
                                                                    sentence beginning: What is hard for them to do ... )
          Unit 3                                                   Answers
                                                                   2  YES  3 NOT GIVEN  4  NO
          Starting off                                          @ Two theories matches two reasonable possibilities  in the
          O  lD  2C  3A  4B                                        fourth paragraph.
          @ 1 All the situations are study-related.                The words in the fourth and fifth sentences of paragraph 4
                                                                   suggest that some time has to  pass before children can do
          Listening                                                these things.
                                                                f) 6B  ?A  S F  9E
          0  2b  3 a  4g  5c  6i  7e  S h  9f
                                                                (!) 1 Suggested underlining
          @ Suggested underlining
             1-2: TWO activities 1 students do I Amanda's assignment   10 writer's purpose
                                                                    11  Snedeker, Geren, Shafto I  study I children
             3-4: TWO features I Amanda check I chooses 1 extract
          €) 1-2 A  ( ...  record themselves ...  then listen back and see where   12 aspect 1 adopted I language development 1
             their weaknesses lie ... ) and D ( ...  look up one of my lectures ...   differed 1 US-born
             and find a suitable extract ... )                      13 What 1 Harvard finding show
             3-4 B (a clear,  well-structured passage)  and E (some obvious   14  'critical period'
             main points)                                          2 10 A (All of these factors  make them an ideal population
          0  1 Lecture titles                                            in which to  test these competing hypotheses about
             2 A content 1 repetitive; B long time 1 write; C shorter;   how language is learned.)
               D well structured; E content 1 relevant; F topic 1 popular   11  C (These children began learning English at an older age
               There are two extra options.                            than U.S.  natives and had more mature brains with
                                                                       which to tackle the task.)
             3 Just the letters: A, B, C, etc.
                                                                     12 C (The adoptees then went through the same stages as
          0  Suggested underlining
                                                                       typical American-born children, albeit at a faster clip.)
             TWO pieces of equipment
                                                                     13  B (Learning how to chat like an adult is a gradual
          @  5 D (clearly sequenced and presented)                     process.)
              6 F (we'nt down well I I really liked that one)        14 D (Researchers have long suspected there is a 'critical
              7 E (topic's certainly more closely linked)              period' for language development, after which it cannot
                                                                       proceed with full success to fluency.)

                                                                                                      Answer key @
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160