Page 2 - SIB_ClassActionWhitepaper_rev2018-05-31_Neat
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What are class action settlements?
               The mechanics behind class action litigation
        and settlements are relatively simple: a small group
        of plaintiffs pursues damages against a defendant
        on behalf of a much larger group whose interests
        they represent. If the suit settles before or during
        trial,  or  if  the  defendant  is  found  to  be  guilty,  all
        members of the class are entitled to compensation.
        This compensation is distributed on a simple or
        prorated basis or, depending on the complexity
        and  size  of  the  class  and  the  existence  of  sub-
        classes, by more complex distribution methods
        that calculate damages by tiers or factors. Class
        proceedings have been part of the American judicial
        system since the mid-19th century, but they only
        came to public prominence in the Civil Rights Era,
        with blockbuster rulings becoming instruments for
        sweeping reform that altered the legal status of
        millions of people.
               In more recent decades, especially since
        the  1960s  and  an  amendment  to  the  Federal
        Rules of Civil Procedure , the class action process     benefits and controversy: while legal teams often
        has broadly taken a different turn. It is now used      end up charging tens or even hundreds of millions
        primarily  to  secure  settlements  for  consumers      of dollars in fees for successfully litigated cases, the
        and investors who have been victimized by               constant threat of class action suits unquestionably
        illegal actions or misrepresentations on the part       provides a much more intensive form of protection
        of  corporations.  The  Class Action  Fairness  Act     for organizations than is possible from regulatory
        of 2005 codified  the  implications of  this shift .    agencies like the FCC or SEC acting alone.
        Two major consequences have ensued from this                   Most important,  in any case, is that  class
        corporatization of class action. First, more class      actions have proliferated in the past few decades
        actions than ever are being filed on behalf of          to  the  extent  that  they  deserve  the  attention  of
        organizations in virtually every industry, major and    businesses  disciplined  enough  to  pursue  them.
        minor. They encompasses such critical sectors as        That is to say, enough class action suits have
        health care, telecommunications, and the financial      been brought in enough sectors to virtually ensure
        services industry, and such relatively unknown          that most businesses, especially those with
        or innocuous-seeming ones as potato farming             multiple locations or units, have been entitled to
        and cathode ray tubes. Second, a specialized            compensation in relation to some aspect of their
        legal industry solely focused on bringing class         operations. It takes organization, consistency, and
        action proceedings has developed, breeding both         more than a little patience to secure a share of the

        1  These are the codes that guide the judicial processes of U.S. district courts; Federal Rule 23 is the rule that specifically treats the litigation of class proceedings. Al-
        though they are diverging more with tensions between the state and federal trying of class actions, most states have class action codes that replicate the provisions
        of Rule 23.
        2  Cf. e.g. McCall and Austin 2012.

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