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informed of ongoing suits related to all aspects of
        your operations, however uncertain the connection
        might seem. Invest in a subscription to Nexis-Uni
        and perform a monthly review of current class
        action proceedings, or peruse open-source online
        databases of open cases.  Shift your thinking to
        include class action settlements as an active part
        of your cost-saving repertoire, rather than recoiling
        from their demands on time and resources.
        Such small shifts in thinking provide the basis for
        transforming your business practices in favor of
        creative, sustainable cost reduction.
               If this seems like too much for your
        organization to take on, or if you do not quite have
        the resources to devote to it, seek effective outside
               We have built class actions settlements into
        our standard savings reviews for our clients because,
        as we quickly discovered, large settlements have
        impacts far outside the boundaries of one or even       our clients’ broader savings strategies.
        a few industries. Waste Industries, for instance,              Can you say the same of your own
        recently settled for abuses in the environmental        approach? Class action settlements can certainly
        and fuel fees it charged its clients. Sysco has also    be lucrative, but above all, are a gauge of your
        recently settled for damages caused by similar          dedication to pursuing all avenues of available
        practices                                               savings. Money should never be left on the table
               Proactivity, organization, and mindset           when it is rightfully due to your company. It’s up
        constitute the key difference between those             to you to be thorough enough and well-informed
        businesses, like our clients, who cash in on class      when it comes to identifying and following through
        action, and those who do not. In many cases, we         on those savings opportunities.
        already had the records we needed to file on clients’
        behalf, based on other cost-savings projects. This
        means that preparation for filing class action claims    SIB Fixed Cost Reduction monitors and
                                                                 researches settlements that are applicable
        is part of a broader organizational mentality: when      to the many industries we serve. We only
        savings are pursued, in a variety of domains, the        pursue claims that have been settled –
        practices required for one may carry over into           meaning there is already money on the table.
        others. In every case, based on previous savings         SIB assumes the administrative burden
                                                                 of compiling the proper documentation,
        projects, we could easily identify clients who had       filing our clients’ claims in accordance with
        the opportunity to receive settlement funds, and         deadlines and extensions, and monitoring
        assist them with the process of filing. We had           progress until funds are disbursed.  Contact
        years of carefully organized invoices and spending       us now to learn about current cases or
                                                                 register for ongoing monitoring.
        records, as well as industry- and location-specific
        benchmark data with which to do so, and we have                    SIB Fixed Cost Reduction
        long since built in settlements as a viable aspect of        843-576-3638 •

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