Page 6 - SIB_ClassActionWhitepaper_rev2018-05-31_Neat
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those with the capacity to produce more detailed
                                                                records or information.
                                                                       Inevitably, the option requiring the least
                                                                amount of work is chosen by a majority of claimants
                                                                in such cases, because the task of filing can be
                                                                daunting. Moreover, settlement distributions are
                                                                organic processes rather than stable, repetitive,
                                                                replicable feats. Each case is different, and
                                                                complex cases may transpire such that notification
                                                                is initiated and revised once or multiple times. In
                                                                the process, the requirements of identifying as
                                                                a member  of a class or  subclass, and  thus the
                                                                documentation that a claimant must produce,
        meaning that class membership entails procuring
        documentation that could involve hundreds of            may change substantially. The overall course of
        different  kinds  of  records,  including  receipts,    pursuing funds from a class action settlement can
        invoices, contracts, End User License Agreements,       be a matter of months, but more frequently it is
        and prescriptions or medical records, to name just      years, and sometimes the better part of a decade.
        a few. Each claim requires detailed documentation
        from a different segment of the life of a person        Best Practices
        or company, which, without significant time                    If you are organized and your mentality is
        and resources, can be extraordinarily difficult to      one of constant pursuit rather than occasional
        successfully retrieve and submit on time. If the        receipt, the current landscape of proliferating class
        explosion in class action suits has largely expanded    action is such that you can not only properly pursue
        the rights of businesses and other groups, it has       those funds of which, as a clear class member,
        also made the process of pursuing settlement            you might be provided adequate notification; you
        claims an infinitely more complex task.                 may also aggressively pursue funds about whose
               The structure of settlement distribution also    establishment you might only have limited notice or
        varies widely, as seen in the above cases; some of      awareness.
        the more complex cases must “triage” settlements,              The key is to work as both an archivist
        or redefine the class involved based on their level     and an activist on behalf of your business. You
        of exposure or damage from the illegal action in        should maintain  a clear and expansive  sense of
        question in order to make out payments structured       your operations, expenses, and records. Codify
        by attributes that are usually far more complicated     your investments and expenditures by type; keep
        than simple proration. Different settlements and        a searchable database of detailed transaction
        trusts, depending on their claim administrators and     records with specific headings under alphabetized
        the legal counsel involved in disputes, may have free   categories. Encrypt and archive information rather
        reign to design the implementation of settlements,      than dispensing with it when it no longer seems
        assented  to by a judge. These  differences can         useful. This transition may prove difficult at first, but
        make it either very easy or very difficult for claimants   if you operate under the general guideline that all
        to pursue them. They can even require claimants         of your transactions might one day be mobilized
                                                                to prove your membership in a class claiming
        to self-select, offering a smaller, fixed settlement    damages, the means of doing so will clarify.
        portion for a relatively insignificant amount of work          Similarly, you must devote time to remaining
        and simultaneously other, more complex options for

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