Page 2 - Voices in Praise
P. 2
Methodist Pray Book ...................................................... 8 020 God is so good ........................................................35
Page 68, The Confession/ ............................................... 8 021 Dear God and father of us all .................................35
The Commandments of Our Lord ................................... 8 022 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father ...........36
page 69 ........................................................................... 9 023 How great Thou art ................................................36
The Apostles' Creed ...................................................... 10 024 O praise Ye the lord ................................................37
The Nicene Creed.......................................................... 10 026 The Lord’s Prayer ....................................................37
Page 73, Prayer book .................................................... 11 027 Praise to the Holiest in the height ..........................38
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ............................ 12 028 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism ................................... 15 of Creation .....................................................................38
(Infants and Youth ........................................................ 15 029 This, this is the God we adore ................................39
Renewing of a Covenant with God ............................... 19 030 Praise ye the Lord! 'Tis good to raise .....................39
Page 117 Introit) ........................................................... 19 031 Father, whose everlasting love...............................39
Hymn 959 ...................................................................... 19 032 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want .............39
Page 118 ....................................................................... 19 033 The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want;...................40
Page 119 Adoration ...................................................... 20 034 Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love,
Page 120 Confession ..................................................... 20 unmerited and free .......................................................40
Page 121 ....................................................................... 21 035 What shall I do my God to love, my loving
Page 122 ....................................................................... 22 God to praise? ...............................................................41
Collect ........................................................................... 22 036 His eye is on the sparrow .......................................41
Canticle #2 .................................................................... 24 037 You creator God have serched me .........................41
Page 124 Hymn 749 ...................................................... 25 038 My god, how wonderful thou art ...........................42
Page 125 covenant ....................................................... 26 039 All glory, laud, and honour .....................................42
001 Bless the Lord Oh my soul ..................................... 28 040 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name ............................43
002 Come let us all unite and sing ................................ 28 041 O How I Love Jesus .................................................44
004 For the beauty of the earth ................................... 28 042 Come, let us join our cheerfuL songs .....................44
005 Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee ................................. 29 043 His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord ...................45
006 O praise the Lord! Within the assembly ............... 29 044 How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds .................45
007 Glory to God, glory to god in the highest .............. 30 045 Jesus Lover Of My Soul ...........................................45
008 Holy, holy, holy,Lord God Almighty ....................... 30 046 I am the way ...........................................................46
009 Now thank we all our god ...................................... 30 047 Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts .............................46
010 Let all the world in every corner sing .................... 31 048 Jesus is all the world to me ....................................47
011 O for a thousand tongues to sing .......................... 31 049 Jesus the name high over all ..................................47
012 Praise my soul, the king of heaven ........................ 31 050 My heart and voice I raise ......................................48
013 Immortal, invisible, God only wise, ....................... 32 051 The God of love my shepherd is .............................48
014 We gather in your name O lord ............................. 33 052 Let earth and heaven agree....................................48
015 We gather together to ask the Lord’s 053 None Other Lamb, None Other Name....................49
blessing; ........................................................................ 33 054 Majesty ...................................................................49
016 All things will be fine in my father's house ............ 33 055 Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed
017 O God of all grace .................................................. 34 Redeemer! .....................................................................49
018 Alle alle alle luia, Alleluia ....................................... 34 056 Sing we the King Who is coming to reign ...............50
019 Adonia's my loving shepherd ................................. 34 057 Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, ............51