Page 7 - Voices in Praise
P. 7

411 Lord make us one................................................. 192 457 One more step along the world I go .....................209
                412 Now in the name of Christ who sent ................... 193 458 There was a man named Jonah ............................210
                413 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand ...................... 193 459 Send me Lord ........................................................210
                415 Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.............................. 193 460 We've a story to tell to the nations ......................211
                416 Friend of the home, as when in Galilee ............... 194 461 The fruit are ripe, but the labourers are ..............211
                417 Lord Jesus, once a child, ...................................... 194 462 All creation, join the anthem ................................211
                418 In memory of the Savior’s love ............................ 194 463 Christ for the world, we sing: ...............................212
                419 Alleluia! sing to Jesus! .......................................... 195 464 In our dear Lord's garden, ....................................212
                420 And now, O father, mindful of the love ............... 195 465/6 Away in a manger no crib for a bed ..................213
                421 Come, praise God all hearts together, ................. 195 467  Father, lead me day by day .................................213
                422 As your family, Lord, see us here, ........................ 196 468 Children of Jerusalem ...........................................213
                423 At your gracious invitation, .................................. 196 469 God has given us a book full of stories .................214
                424 Be known to us in breaking bread ....................... 196 470 God make my life a little light ..............................214
                425 Bread of heaven, on thee I feed, ......................... 197 471 Hosanna Loud Hosanna ........................................215
                426 By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, .............. 197 472 Jesus, friend of little children ...............................215
                427 Come, Thou everlasting spirit, ............................. 197 473 Hushed was the evening hymn ............................215
                428 I am not worthy, holy Lord .................................. 197 474 I love to hear the story .........................................216
                429 A sign of love! ...................................................... 198 475 I think, when i read that sweet story of old .........216
                430 Do this in remembrance of me ............................ 198 476 I’m on fire for Jesus ..............................................217
                431 Jesus tek 'way all wi sin ........................................ 199 477 It is a thing most wonderful, ................................218
                432 Jesus, to Thy table led .......................................... 199 478 Praise Him, praise Him, all you little
                433 Jesus, we thus obey ............................................. 200 children........................................................................218
                434 Let us break bread together ................................ 200 479 Jesus loves me! This I know ..................................218
                435 Here, O my Lord, I see you face to face; .............. 200 480 Jesus wants me for a sunbeam ............................219
                436 Let us talents and tongues employ, ..................... 201 481 Once in royal David's city .....................................219
                437 Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up Lord! ......................... 201 482 Looking upward 'every day ...................................220
                438 Lord, Jesus Christ, you are the Way ..................... 202 483 This little light of mine ..........................................220
                439 According to Thy gracious word .......................... 202 484 Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb, ...................................221
                440 Spread the table of the Lord ................................ 202 485 Too much hurt and frustration .............................221
                442 We gather 'round your table, God ....................... 203 486 When mothers of Salem, ......................................222
                443 Away With Our Fears ........................................... 203 487 Wisemen seeking Jesus ........................................222
                444 O God of Love, to you we bow ............................ 203 488 I just want to follow Jesus ....................................222
                445  O Father, all creating,.......................................... 204 489 Tell me the stories of Jesus ..................................223
                446 O happy home ..................................................... 204 490 A little child may know .........................................224
                447 O perfect Love...................................................... 205 491 Jesus loves the little children ...............................224
                448 The voice that breathed o'er Eden, ..................... 205 492 O Jesus, Lord, you came for me............................225
                449 Thou God of truth and love, ................................ 206 493 All things bright and beautiful ..............................225
                450 Tell the story of his glory ..................................... 206 494 Awake, my soul, and with the sun ........................226
                451 Anointed, Sovereign, Saviour, Lord ..................... 206 495 Christ, whose glory fills the skies ..........................226
                452 Pass it on .............................................................. 207 496 Come, let us anew ................................................227
                453 God is working His purpose out ........................... 207 497 Have A Good Night ...............................................227
                454 I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship ........ 208 498 Father, let me dedicate ........................................228
                455 Here I, am Lord .................................................... 208 499 Glory to thee, my God, this night .........................228
                456 A song of renewal ................................................ 209 500 Morning has broken .............................................228

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