Page 6 - Voices in Praise
P. 6

325 Who is on the Lord's side ..................................... 156 367 When the Roll is Called .........................................175
                326 They who tread the path of ................................. 157 368 God shall wipe all tears away ...............................176
                327 Captain of Israel's host, and Guide ...................... 157 369 We love the place, O God, ....................................177
                328 Jesus, still lead on ................................................ 157 370 Angel voices, ever singing.....................................177
                329 Fight the good fight with all thy might ................ 158 371 Angel voices, ever singing.....................................177
                330 Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah ........................ 158 372 At even, ere the sun was set ................................178
                331 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us ........................ 159 373 Jesus, stand among us ..........................................178
                332 Lead, kindly Light ................................................. 159 374 Enter into Jerusalem, ............................................179
                333 O God of Bethel, by whose hand ......................... 159 375 Gather, Christians, ................................................179
                334 O grant us light .................................................... 160 376 God of mercy, God of grace, ................................180
                335 O happy band of pilgrims ..................................... 160 377 Alleluia, amen, alleluia, ........................................180
                336 Oft in danger, oft in woe ...................................... 160 378 Jesus, we are here; ...............................................180
                337 Onward, Christian soldiers ................................... 161 379 Be with us, gracious Lord, today ..........................180
                338 Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us .......................... 162 380 Sing praises, all you peoples, ................................181
                339 Stand up, stand up for Jesus ................................ 162 381 Lord, dismiss us with your blessing, .....................181
                340 We are marching in the light of God ................... 163 382 Lift every voice and sing .......................................181
                341 Through the night of doubt and sorrow .............. 163 383 Lord we come with hearts o'er-flowing ...............181
                342 Walk in the light: so shall you know .................... 164 384 O God our Father, who dost make us one ...........182
                343 Who would true valour see ................................. 164 385 O how blest the hour, Lord Jesus .........................182
                344 will your anchor hold to the storms of life .......... 164 386 A Song Of Dedication ............................................182
                345 Come, ye disconsolate ......................................... 165 387 Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise ............183
                346 God will take care of you ..................................... 165 388 Stand up, and bless the Lord, ...............................183
                347 For all the saints, who from their labors     389 Saviour, blessed Saviour, ......................................184
                rest .............................................................................. 166 390 You shall go out with joy ......................................184
                348 Come let us join our friends above ...................... 166 391 Christ, from whom all blessings flow,...................184
                349 Give me the wings of faith to rise ........................ 167 392 And are we yet alive .............................................185
                350 Just a closer walk with Thee ................................ 167 393 See , Jesu, thy disciples see, .................................185
                351 God be with you till we meet again ..................... 168 394 Come, let us use the grace divine, ........................185
                352 Hark! Hark, my soul ............................................. 168 395 Father of everlasting grace, ..................................186
                353 He leadeth me: O blessed thought ...................... 169 396 Glorious things of you are spoken, .......................186
                354 There'll be pece in the valley ............................... 169 397 For the might of thine arm we bless Thee ...........186
                355 He understands he'll say Well done .................... 170 398 In Christ there is no east or west, .........................187
                356 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand ........................ 170 399 Great is our redeeming Lord ................................187
                357  Pleasant are Thy courts above, ........................... 171 400 Jesus, with your Church abide ..............................188
                358 Depth of mercy! Can there be ............................. 171 401  Jesus, we look to thee .........................................188
                358 Rock of Ages cleft for me ..................................... 172 402 All praise to our redeeming Lord ..........................188
                359 Soon and very soon ............................................. 172 403 O look and wonder ...............................................189
                360 Safe in the arms of Jesus...................................... 172 404 Give me your hand ...............................................189
                361 Steal away, steal away ......................................... 173 405 Revive Thy work, O Lord .......................................189
                362 Swing low, sweet chariot ..................................... 173 406 Come now everybody, ..........................................190
                363 In the sweet by and by ......................................... 174 407  The church's one foundation ...............................190
                364 When our heads are bowed with woe, ............... 174 408 Showers of blessing, .............................................191
                365 There is a place of quiet rest ............................... 175 409 They’ll know we are Christians by our love ..........191
                366 It is well, with my soul ......................................... 175 410 Help us to help each other, Lord ..........................192

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