Page 5 - Voices in Praise
P. 5
237 My God I am thine ............................................... 122 280 A safe strong-hold our God is still, .......................141
238 Come, we that love the Lord ............................... 122 281 Darkness now enfolds us ......................................142
239 Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising ......... 123 282 I need thee every hour, ........................................142
240 I am so glad that our father in heaven ................ 124 283 Kum ba ya, my Lord ..............................................142
241 In my heart there rings a melody ........................ 124 284 O Lord, have mercy, .............................................143
242 I'll praise my maker while I've breath .................. 125 285 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire ........................143
243 O happy day that fixed my choice ....................... 125 286 Let there be peace on earth .................................143
244 Heaven came down and glory filled my 287 Make me a channel of your peace .......................143
soul, ............................................................................ 126 288 What A Friend We Have In Jesus ..........................144
245 Through all the changing scenes of life ............... 127 289 Sweet Hour Of Prayer ...........................................144
246 We thank Thee ..................................................... 127 290 Abba Father let me be ..........................................145
247 Worship, and thanks, and blessing ...................... 127 291 Come Saviour Jesus from above! .........................145
248 Ye Servants Of God .............................................. 128 292 Eternal Light! Eternal Light! ..................................145
249 Fashion me a people ............................................ 128 293 God of all power and truth and grace, .................146
250 Nearer, my God, to Thee ..................................... 128 294 Have thine own way, Lord! ..................................146
251 Hark, my soul! It is the Lord ................................. 129 295 I would be true .....................................................146
252 I hunger and I thirst ............................................. 129 296 Lord that I may learn of Thee ...............................147
253 It passeth knowledge, ......................................... 130 297 O come and dwell in me .......................................147
254 Love divine, all loves excelling, ........................... 130 298 O for a heart to praise my God, ............................147
255 Blest Be the Tie That Binds .................................. 131 299 Holy, holy, holy, ....................................................148
256 Jesu my Lord my God, my All ............................... 131 300 Saviour from sin, I wait to prove ..........................148
257 Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine ...................... 131 301 Take time to be holy .............................................148
258 My Jesus I Love Thee ........................................... 132 302 Thine for ever! God of love ..................................148
259 Beloved let us love ............................................... 132 303 Believe not those who say ....................................149
260 Now let us see thy beauty, Lord, ......................... 132 304 Behold the servant of the Lord! ...........................149
261 O for a closer walk with God,............................... 133 305 Brightly beams our father's mercy .......................150
262 O love that wilt not let me go .............................. 133 306 Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go ............................150
263 O my Saviour, hear me, ....................................... 133 307 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost .................................150
264 The thirsty deer.................................................... 134 308 Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God ..........................151
265 Begone unbelief my Saviour is near .................... 134 309 Go, labour on, spend, and be spent, ....................151
266 God moves in a mysterious way .......................... 135 310 How beauteous are their feet ..............................152
267 I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus ............................. 135 311 Lord, in the strength of grace ...............................152
268 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, ....................... 136 312 Jesus, thy wandering sheep behold! ....................152
269 In heavenly love abiding, ..................................... 136 313 Lord, speak to me, that I may speak ....................152
270 Light of the world thy beams I bless .................... 136 315 A charge to keep I have, .......................................153
271 My God I thank Thee ........................................... 137 316 Lord, if at your command .....................................153
272 O Jesus, I have promised .................................... 137 317 Master, speak! Thy servant heareth ....................153
273 O safe to the rock ................................................ 138 318 O God, what offering shall I give ..........................154
274 Peace perfect peace ............................................ 138 319 O Master, let me walk with Thee .........................154
275 Simply trusting every day .................................... 139 320 Lord, grant us, like the watching five ...................154
276 Sometimes a light surprises ................................. 139 321 People of God, rise up! .........................................155
277 Through the love of God our Saviour .................. 140 322 Saviour, thy dying love .........................................155
278 When we walk with the lord ................................ 140 323 We give thee back thine own ...............................155
279 Who fathoms the eternal thought? ..................... 141 324 Stay, Master, stay upon this heavenly hill ............156