Page 11 - Power-Point-Slides_HRM
P. 11
Get Good at Interviewing
Interviewing, as an interpersonal activity, is something that can be
troubled by lack of consistency and standardization if you do not go
about it well. Here is a model to assist in setting up ideal interviews, as
well as some of the pitfalls and best practices
Prepare Know what position Design Make sure you have Interview Remember that
ample time and
candidates and
you are hiring for.
interviews can both
questions available
Get comfortable with
throw off an interview.
that fit the complexity
asking open ended
of the job.
questions and probing.
better at sitting down
Set aside a room or Write your questions Some people are
interview space that ahead of time, and to a conversation than
makes for optimal include a scoring others.
conversation and open matrix that will allow It is the interviewer's
communication. you to easily recognize job to:
when answers that
you are looking for are • Put the candidate at
being showcased. ease
• Maintain control and
flow of the meeting
• Listen