Page 13 - Power-Point-Slides_HRM
P. 13
The Best Way to Interview
• During the interview, ask questions that are job specific. To improve
reliability and validity of the selection process, ask questions that are
relative to the job.
• Interview questions must be fair, and not lead to bias. Questions that
pertain to the work as well as decisions that have been made are typically
the best questions.
• When you ask questions, the best information comes from those that are
ope . A ope e ded uestio e ou ages the i te ie ee to sa o e
than just yes or no, and to explain their answers.
• During the interview, score responses using a systematic, structured
approach to evaluate their responses. If you require specific answers,
build them in to your scoring.
• Finally, train interviewers in listening, questioning, and evaluation to get
consistency in the interview process and consequently make better hiring