Page 52 - กฎบตรคณะกรรมการบรษท และคณะกรรมการชดยอย_ป 2565
P. 52

Notification of the Insurance Commission
                          Re: Criteria, Procedures and Conditions for Receipt and Payment of Money,

                         Audits and Internal Control of Life Insurance Company B.E. 2557 (2014) and
                                                   No. 2 B.E. 2563 (2020)

                 Chapter 4  Section 19: Qualifications of the independent directors

                             (1) Must  not  hold  more  than  1%  of  voting  shares  of  the  company,  parent

                                company, subsidiary, associate company, major shareholder or a controlling
                                person, including shareholding of persons related to that member.

                            (2)  Must not be or has never been an executive director or being an employee,

                                staff, a regularly paid adviser or authorized manager of the company, parent
                                company,  subsidiary,  associate  company,  subsidiary  in  the  same  level,
                                major shareholder or a  controlling person, except those whose terms in

                                aforementioned positions have expired for more than 2 years on the date
                                appointed as a member. This prohibition shall not apply to the independent

                                director  who  used  to  work  as  government  officials  or  the  advisers  to
                                government agencies who are the major shareholders or the persons who
                                have the authority to manage the company.

                            (3)  Is  not  a  person  with  a  blood  relationship  or  being  legally  registered  as

                                the  parents,  spouse,  sibling  and  offspring  including  the  spouse  and
                                offspring of the other board member, management, major shareholders,
                                a  controlling  person  or  a  person  who  is  about  to  be  nominated  to

                                a  management  position  or  a  person  with  an  authority  to  manage  in
                                the company or subsidiary company.

                            (4)  Must not have or has never have a business relationship with the company,

                                parent  company,  subsidiary,  associate  company,  major  shareholder  or
                                a controlling person in such a way that might hinder an independent use of

                                judgment and is not or has never been a significant shareholder or a person
                                with  an  authority  to  manage  that  has  a  business  relationship  with
                                the  company,  parent  company,  subsidiary,  associate  company,  major

                                shareholder  or  a  controlling  person,  except  where  the  terms  in  such
                                positions have expired for more than 2 years on the date of appointment.

                                                         สายงานสํานักเลขาZิกา องคNก  บ ิษัท เมืองไทยป ะกันชีวิต จํากัด (มหาชน)
                                                 Corporate Secretariat Office Division, Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL.
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