Page 12 - Demo
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to your
with Adventist Health Castle
Giving Tree
Providing Christmas gifts for families in need.
Castle departments sponsor families who have been identified by school counselors and churches.
December 5
Family wish lists will be available in Administration.
December 19
Volunteers needed to receive and prepare gifts for pickup. Sign up at Administration.
Christmas Breakfast
Helping the Institute of Human Services to provide a warm Christmas meal to over 300 men, women, and children.
December 25
Volunteers needed at various locations to serve breakfast. Sign up at Administration.
Thanksgiving Meals
Partnering with local churches, Foodland Hawaii, and others to provide 40 families with a Thanksgiving meal.
November 1-29
Donations can be made at HP. A full family meal is $55.50, but any amount is appreciated! Remaining funds will be used for Christmas meals.
      For more info, contact Jesse Seibel, Director of Mission and Spiritual Care at x5344 or

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