P. 90
Luke 9:28-30
(28) “And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings,
he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to
pray.(29) And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was
altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.(30) And, behold,
there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias.”
-King James Version, 1611A.D.
424. So in Abrahamism, be they Jew, Christian or Muslim, they look upward
and await for the return from above. Revelation 21 explains it’s a mother
craft. The qadam Qadam “Ancient” Shin-Ar or Sumer, SaMar-u
Shamar-u “Sumerians” called it Nibiru and it’s crossing the sky.
425. And as found in the tablet Enuma-Elish states, the planet of the Anu -N-Na-
Qi becomes the kawak Kawak “Planet” of the cross. It says…
Planet Nibiru
The crossroads of heaven and earth
It shall occupy
Planet Nibiru
The central position it holds
Planet Nibiru
It is he who without tiring
The midst of tiamat earth
Keeps crossing
Let “crossing” be its name
426. So the mother craft called a planet is recorded on stone tablets to cross and
keep crossing, pass planet earth, which the Sumerians called Tiamat, every
3,600 years.
427. That was by the Sumerian calendar.
428. In the Muslim’s holy book, the Quraan there is a chapter called Aṫ-Taariq.
429. They translate it as “That Which Comes At Night” yet the word means “The
430. It is the 86 chapter today - yet originally was 36 chapter.
431. It has 17 verses and speaks of the coming of N·Ibir·u, also of its coming
now in chapter 85, originally the 27 chapter and is called Al-Buruwj.
432. They translate it to mean “The Great Stars”, also explained as the planets or
their high positions in the heavens.