P. 94

Genesis 24:3

                            “And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and
                            the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of
                            the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:

                                                                        -King James Version, 1611A.D.

               454.  Their makers, Oaa kaMah-u Paa Kamah-u or mukMah-u Mukmah-u
                      “Pleiadians” will devour what is left of them, eat the flesh from their dried
                      bones, drink and drain the naKaA Nakha   “Marrow” from their AaJaM-

                      aat  adjam-aat “Bones”.
               455.  And destroy their many palaces.
               456.  And will so break their ties with sub-races that trusted in them.
               457.  All will be cut off from them.

                                                   Figure 51: Pleiadeans

               458.  The inhabitants of the east from Arabia to Persia and those in Israel who
                      hold the religious scepter from the enclosed garden of pleasures and delights-
                      Eden, and their seed shall fall away.
               459.  This is what the god of light and fire says of Adam’s offspring.

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