P. 96
479. You are no gadad-u Gadad-u “Gods”, no lords, no deities, you are less
than man.
480. You’re a kind of man, a hybrid mutant.
481. No more, no less, for we made you first of ourselves then did mix in your
seed kulab Kulab “Canine”, kuXar Kuzhar “Porcine”, and gurad
Gurad “Simian”
482. As you are three beasts in one, Oaa cacas-u Paa Cacas-u or
muccas-u Muccas-u “Caucasoids”.
483. The laAen Laȧen “Cursed” seeds of the earth creating only chaos, disease
and enmity between all others for your own jealousy of others.
484. We will cut off your right to judge others, your right to rule others, your right
to enslave and abuse others.
485. In one hour all you built will fall down to never rise again.
486. You are despised and hated, yet, think you’re loved and respected by others.
487. You only fool yourself cacas-u Cacas-u “Caucasoids” or muccas-u
Muccas-u, liars of all liars, killer of all killers.
488. You despised our rules and regulations, you turned away from our laws, you
are the uncivilized on earth.
489. You have not kept our 316 commandments we ordered of you and you
cause all others to err.
490. You mixed in with giants after we EayuNa Ṡayuna “Protected” you from
491. You as Amorites before you became muSsas-u Mushsas-u “Israelites”,
whose height was like those in Lebanon, tall as the Cedars:The Raphaim,
the Emim, the Anaqim, the Zamzummim, Paa Anu-n-na-qi.
492. As you journeyed in the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea and with the
Shaggies of Mount Seir, children of Esau or Edomites, these Horims were
also flesh eaters.
493. You from Cainites, Sethites and Enosites who laduda Laduda “Birthed”
Ghibborites, Gabar-u Ghabar-u or muGbar-u Mughbar-u, wicked and
evil in all they think.
494. To Noah and his son’s son, Canaan, and his sons, the forth being Amor,
leader of the Amorite,
495. Who also are Nazarites and you caused them to drink strong drinks and to
fall to the wayside.
496. For all this you are cursed and once strong and powerful will weaken and
497. And your powers to fight shall perish.
498. Your wealth will fail you.