P. 97
499. A beggar you will become of those you once tried to destroy by great
Atomic Bombs.
500. They will yield to your begging with good reason in mind.
501. For they will be great and strong with the symbol of the Dragon over them.
They will be strengthened as the great wall they build afore times, in their
lands far eastward.
502. Esau’s seed did mix with them afore time as Dukes.
503. They closed their gates until the time was right.
504. Neither will you be able to stand against China anymore.
505. For you weakened yourself fighting the Arab world.
506. And the great bear, Russia, stood and watched.
507. You wanted to destroy Syria and Persia yet no one would fight for you or
stand by you.
508. For you are much too weak and poor and your time ends - they all know.
509. And those who are courageous among the waEar-iyt Waṡar-iyt
“Mighty” nations will not flee from you anymore.
510. The Native of North America, the haMer Hamer “Red” eagle and the
KaMeM Khamem “Black” eagles will come back to power in the midst
of the land you once took from them.
511. They will stand up and fly again as a Thunderbird, the great Phoenix after
500 years of abuse and the fires you cause them to suffer are now burnt out
and they are rising from their own ash.
512. After 500 years, first the red eagles tribes, then the black eagle’s tribes by
one called Black Eagle - who in dark skin became ruler of America and
broke the chains from the bird people and restore unto them their own land.
513. Hated he will be.
514. Hated by the pale bird, the white vulture that lived on all others flesh, lands
and wealth.
515. His wings will be broken, he will fly no more. This is what is recorded of
you Oaa cacas-u Paa Cacas-u “The Caucasoids” or muccas-u
Muccas-u the pale white bird.
516. Hear these words that are being recorded for you and against you, the cursed
seed of Canaan.
517. For you were against the whole family of earth.
518. Out of all the yasar-u Yasar-u “Families” on earth you alone have
caused babal Babel “Chaos” therefore we will punish you for all your
519. Can two salal-twy Salal-twy “Races” walk side by side? Except you
come between them.