P. 95
460. For your jawed Jawed “Wicked” and evils to all others and your
perversions and witchcrafts, you r transgressions from the Torah “The Law”,
the Gospel and the Quraan.
461. We will not turn a blind eye to your punishments.
462. And thereof, because you did carry away captives from their own lands and
killed and raped and abused them 400 years and more.
463. You entered others lands and did kill, rape, and abuse them, even taking their
wealth and claiming their lands as your own.
464. We will send blazing fires down upon you and you cannot run and hide from
us, and it shall burn many of you up.
465. It shall burn and consume the palaces thereof.
466. And we will cut off the inhabitants from all of your own lands from where
you did sail to others lands with evil intentions.
467. And we will turn our yadad-twy Yadadtwy “Hands” against all the
offspring of Adam, whom we did make from our own genes, no matter
whom they mixed with or where they dwell.
468. And the remnant of Mulattos who follow in your ways
469. Also will be judged with you for they accepted your mark.
470. You did also pursue your own brothers in other lands to fight and kill them as
Vikings, Anglos, Brits, Danes, Saxons, and Slavs that became three cults:
Seltics, Keltics and Celtics.
471. You all did pursue one another with sword, axe and hammer by land and by
472. Foretold in times of old, the jasad Jasad“Flesh” with the life which is of
your own daMam Damam “Blood”- you should not eat.
473. And the blood of your own blood of your lives, we will require at the
yadad Yadad “Hand” of every living creature.
474. And at the yadad Yadad “Hand” of muadaM-u Muadam-u “Adamites”
and at the hand of every Adamites brother, we will require the life of man’s
475. Whosoever sheds his own brother’s blood, he will also by his brother be
killed, because you Adamites are in your own image and likeness to kill and
eat one of us.
476. This we fear of you, as your salaf-u Salaf-u “Ancestors” did eat the flesh
of one another, fight and kill each other. For this, we plague you with disease
and death.
477. And we did cast off all pity and our anger will tear perpetually and we will
keep our wrath upon you until you are no more at all.
478. Because you impregnated the zazaztat-u Zazaztat-u “Women”, not
your own, with child of genetic confusion that they may serve you as gods.