P. 92

439.  55 years before the year 2000 A.D. end of 6,000 years.
               440.  25 years before the year 1970 A.D. opening of the seventh seal.
               441.  And  our  own  salaf-u  Salaf-u  “Ancestors”  warned  us  Nuwaupians,  18
                      years from my own ladud Ladud “Birth” 1963 A.D. with wu-Nuwaup
                      Wu-Nuwaup, yet you were not ready and had much learning to do first.
               442.  And our own salaf-u Salaf-u “Ancestors” said Oaa Karad-u em
                      aadaM-u  Paa  Kharad-u  Em  Aadam-u  “The  Children  of  Adam”,  the
                      habitation of the New Babel and Sodom, land of the forth son of Canaan,
                      who was Amor, father of the Amorites.
               443.  The land became Amoritia, America.
               444.  Their  time  after  400  years  from  1600  A.D.  they  will  morn,  cry  and  will
               445.  And  aN-NuuN-NuuN  salaf-u  An-Nuun-Nuun  Salaf-u  “Our  Own
                      Ancestors”  spoke  on  aN-NuuN-NuuN  salal  An-Nuun-Nuun  Salal
                      “Our  Own  Race”  and  said  “for  your  transgressions,  as  slaves  of  mental
                      death trying to live in the image of the beast we will turn away and ignore
                      you  as  you  in  ignorance  ignored  us  when  we  did  send  Oaa  nabab  :
                      yaa-NaNaN  Paa  Nabab:  Yaa-nanan  “The  Master:  Yaanuwn”  as  your

                      muNXar-ur Munzhar-ur  “Warner”  and  muHday  Mu day  “Guide"
                      to reform you all inside out and outside in.”
               446.  Because  they  have  threshed  yaa-NaNaN  Yaa-nanan  with  threshing  of
                      their own words of their faMaM-aat Famam-aat “Mouths”.
               447.  And on the Amorites of Canaan, their own makers will send light and fire,
                      storms  and  floods,  tornados  and  hurricanes  and  tsunamis,  famines  and
                      droughts and among their youth; insanities of many kinds.
               448.  Wars,  killings  diseases,  sickness  and  viruses  upon  them,  to  once  again
                      attempt  to  rape  the  last  species  of  humanoids,  the  laben  salal  Laben
                      Salal “White Race”, off Oaa kawak Paa Kawak “The Planet” making

                      them extinct.
               449.  For their 6,000 year of dominion did end in 2000 A.D.

               450.  And you, 1,600 years of being a stranger in a Eaqah   aqah “Land”, once
                      your own ended. 1,600 plus 400 equals 2,000.
               451.  You were on this part of the kawak Kawak “Planet” now called North
                      and  South  America  long  before  the  coming  of  Asians,  Africans,  and
                      Europeans or sons of Canaan and his consort Hitarah, Mother of Amor.
               452.  These  kaaAN-u  Kaaȧn-u  “Canaanites”  are  the  Laben  Salal  “White
               453.  Laban or Kaȧan, son  of  Kham  was cursed with  the  plague of baraEy
                      Baraṡy “Leprosy” Genesis 9:25-27, Genesis  24:3, Leviticus 13:1-59. The
                      white race is being judged right now.

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