P. 98
Figure 52: Chief Thunderbird Black Eagle
520. Because by your very faLar Fa ar “Nature”, you know not to do right by
521. And adversary you are to all others, and it is us Oaa kaMah-u Paa
Kamah-u “Pleiadians” who will bring down your strength from you and your
nations will be spoiled.
522. We will smite you in both Karap Kharap “Winter” and qawaE Qawaṡ
523. You, great New Babel and Sodom, will have an end.
524. It is much too late for you to seek who made the 7 suns of saAaH-aat
Saȧaḣ-aat “Orion Star System” and turned the shadow of death on LaHaH
aḣaḣ “Earth” to the morning sun and made the daylight eclipse with night.
He who calls for the mayah Mayah “Water” of the sea and poured them
out upon the surface of earth.
525. You cannot turn to Oaa naJar-u Paa Nadjar-u “The Overseers” for help
or for forgiveness- it is much too late for that.