Page 4 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
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                                                                                      MAXIMIZE YOUR
        Post-Convention Highlights                                                        EXPOSURE!

                                                                                    GIADA also offers options for
                               Hello again GIADA members and industry associates,   advertising on our website and
                                                                                     in our digital publications!
                               August is upon us as well as football season, which means it is
                               time for kids to go back to school and many other upcoming   The GIADA website gets over
                               almost fall activities! This past July, GIADA hosted its annual   50,000 visitors and over 142,000
                               Convention & Expo. What an exceptional event it was! Over   pageviews per quarter from top
                               700 total attendees made up of around 500 dealers and 65+   decision-makers. The exposure you
                               vendor companies who joined us as sponsors and exhibitors.   could get is unmatched.
                               We packed out the 14 training sessions which were delivered
                                                                                          Call us to advertise!
                               by 20 speakers - made up of national names, familiar faces,   _________________
                               & many allies to our industry! To top it off, GIADA and The
                               GIADA Auxiliary raised $5,000 for a charitable donation to   ADVERTISER INDEX
                               Camp Sunshine! Special thanks to our GIADA management
        GIADA PRESIDENT        and staff for the stellar work put into planning and admin-
        Bart Barton            istering such a great event. To quote a dear friend of mine,    48  A.R.A. GPS Systems
        Barton Used Cars       “It’s like herding cats”, getting a bunch of automotive folks
                               together.                                            19  Ace Motor Acceptance
                                                                                     3  ADESA Atlanta
        Looking towards Fall 2017 and beyond, there are plenty of events and business to talk    43  AutoTrader
        about and we invite you to join us for one of our upcoming Board Meetings. First on
        the calendar, on October 6-8, is the Fall Board Meeting which will be held at the New     5  AutoZone
        Peachtree City Hotel and Conference Center. Keep a look out for more information re-   54  Carolina Auto Auction
        garding our other board meetings for this next year; Winter (January 2018) , Spring (May
        2018), and then it will once again be time for our grand summer meeting – Convention,    20  Charleston Auto Auction
        July 12-14, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency in Savannah! All of these meetings are for and about    37  Counselor Library
        members in good standing of the GIADA. Please join us; this is OUR Organization. I can     4  Dealers Finance
        promise you an enlightening and enjoyable gathering of great folks.
                                                                                    36  Frazer Computing, Inc.
        Other events coming up include: NIADA National Leadership Conference, including a    47  GIADA Legal Resources
        day on Capitol Hill, September, 25-27 in Washington, DC. This has grown into one of the
        largest Legislative gatherings by state in our industry. You’ll see why our leaders in Wash-   60  GIADA Store
        ington recognize us as a valuable industry. NABD will be holding their conference for Buy    IBC  Manheim
        Here, Pay Here on October 23-25, 2017 at the Rosen Center in Orlando, FL.
                                                                                    BC  NextGear Capital
        At our convention last month, I spoke about our goal of reaching and maintaining 3,000    49  NIADA CPO Program
        members. Hand in hand, I spoke about the need to reach out across the state to participate    45  Oakwood’s Arrow Auto
        in regional, town hall and other meet & greet type gatherings. There are a few seemingly
        untouched areas across the state where we would like to get additional input and involve-       Auction
        ment from dealers. To accomplish that, we need to take to the road and make the effort.    59  Peoples Financial
        Since this is a CE year, the timing is perfect for us to make that effort and get re-acquainted
        with some folks we haven’t seen in a while as well as shake some new hands.     23  Rawls Auto Auction
                                                                                    22  Reeves Insurance Associates, Inc.
        Over the past few months, our associate members, regular members and management    55  Ron E. Widener
        have discussed that this is a great time to put together “Hand Shaker” meetings across the
        state. Now is the best time for us to show the dealer body why membership and involve-   53  Southeastern Auto Auction
        ment brings positive results to their business and bottom line!             39  Spartan Financial Partners

        Thanks for your time, as always, we wish you good selling!                   41  TitleTec an AutoPoint Company
        Bart Barton                                                                  63  TitleTec an AutoPoint Company
                                                                                    21  United Acceptance
                                                                                    IFC  Wayne Reaves

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