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                                  Check out

                                 CONVENTION 2017!

        GIADA Brought Independent
        Auto Dealers to Atlanta for
        Annual Convention
        CBT’s Joe Gumm sat down with Paul John,
        Executive Director of the Georgia Indepen-
        dent Auto Dealers’ Association, to discuss
        why this event was so much more than just
        another industry get together. Watch Now

        Hot Topics in Used Car Sales
        from NIADA’s Steve Jordan
        Joe sits down with Steve Jordan, CEO of
        the NIADA, as he offers his take on com-
        pliance. We asked Steve: Should dealerships
        hire a compliance officer?  If not, who IS
        responsible for making sure compliance is-
        sues are handled properly? Watch Now  How and Where to Recruit the        had such a negative impact on our reputa-
                                             Best Auto Technicians                tion with the public are often the hardest to
        TrueCar CEO: Transparent             Recruiting technicians is never a hard job.   drive out of our sales process. Read More
        dealers produce more                 The real difficulty is recruiting technicians
        opportunities                        worth your money and time. Read More
        In a recent poll, consumers revealed that,
        along with politicians, car dealers are   Talking During the                       CLICK HERE
        among the least trusted people in their   Demonstration Drive
        daily lives. While some would see that as a   The use of pressure and aggressive sales   TO VIEW
        negative, Chip Perry, President and CEO of   tactics is still being taught and practiced   MORE PHOTOS
        TrueCar, believes it’s a chance to create op-  by many salespeople, despite the fact that
        portunities for consumers that believe that.   customers clearly don’t want to be treated   ONLINE
        Watch Now                            that way. Some of the very tactics that have

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