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2017 Convention Sets a New Record!
Over 700 registered attendees and 500 dealers made this an incredible event
conference, especially all of the exhibitors authentic Cuban cigar roller make for a
and sponsors who supported this great great nightly environment for people to
event and made it all possible. network and make new friends in our in-
After a full day of high quality training con-
tent, we opened our trade expo where 65 We close out the busy event weekend on
vendors were waiting to show dealers their Saturday night with our Grand Banquet
most recent and best products & services. and Awards Dinner. At this event, we rec-
ognize special volunteers and leaders from
Overall, the entire weekend was great. Go- within our association. This is also the time
ing back to the start on Thursday, we host- when we swear in our new slate of officers
ed our VIP Golf Tournament, which was for 2017-2018 term. Also, on Saturday
GIADA CEO, Paul John packed with golfers. Partial proceeds from night, we uncover and award the GIADA
this golf event were donated to Camp Sun- Quality Dealer of the Year (see his feature
A big shout out and thank you for all in- shine. Camp Sunshine enriches the lives of on page 9). This is also the time for one of
volved with the 2017 GIADA Convention Georgia’s children with cancer and their our favorite events: awarding three well de-
& Expo! families through recreational, educational, serving GIADA Scholarship Awards (find
and support programs. this info on page 17).
Wow…I never imagined that our July con-
vention would be so well attended and suc- Thursday night we hosted Casino Night, Again, thank you to all who joined us for
cessful. Over 700 registered attendees, with which is continuously a very popular event another wonderful year. We are happy to
over 500 dealers attending the GIADA CE where we bring on real casino dealers, all continuously host such highly attended
class on Friday. This set an impressive re- for fun, to test peoples gambling skills for events. We enjoy the opportunity to give
cord for our association. The dealers that a chance to win prizes. All while we have back to our industry in the form of robust
came, got to hear from over 20 different a live band performing to entertain our content, packed trade shows, and entertain-
speakers conducting 14 individual sessions guests. ment! If you were not able to make it, be
which were all top notch. sure to join us for next year’s convention at
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, we the Hyatt Regency in Savannah, July 12-14
First, I want to extend my sincere appreci- always host the GIADA Hospitality Suite 2018! n
ation for all those involved in our annual after our regular events. Open bar and an
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