Page 11 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 11

Opinion & Views                   Ugandans are tired of

                                            Museveni but can’t vote

                                            him out

          Daniel Gakuba

             he latest protests in Uganda are an
         Tindication that people are sick and
          tired  of  President Yoweri Museveni’s
          insatiable appetite for power. But the ex-
          guerilla  fighter  is  not  going  anywhere,
          writes DW’s Daniel Gakuba.
          As the grieving families were still burying   President Museveni          Bobi Wine, opposition candidate
          their loved ones who were gunned down
          in the streets of Kampala, 76-year-old
          President Yoweri Museveni - a  former
          guerilla commander - running for the   weakness. So, he doubled down on the   condemned, most of the protests were
          sixth  term, had  no  calming  words  to   approach that has served him so well   staged spontaneously and sporadically,
          unite his nation.                 - the threat of using more violence.  out of frustrations caused by the selective
          According to the official report by the   In a ranting spell during his campaign in   use of law enforcement tools to target
          Uganda police pathologist, up to now,   the aftermath of the deadly crackdown,   their preferred candidate.
          at least 50 people are reported to have   Museveni  threatened to  crush  those   The inability of Uganda security
          died in last week’s widespread chaos that   whom  he  accused  of  attacking  institutions to contain small-scale
          followed the arrest of Robert Kyagulanyi,   sympathizers of his party, and who used   public  dissension  manifests  their
          a former musician turned politician,   abusive language against him, warning   lack of professionalism. Harassing
          famously known by his stage name Bobi   that they have ventured into an area of   the opposition candidates under the
          Wine. Other sources say the number of   his expertise - fighting.    pretense of enforcing COVID-19
          casualties could be higher.       His reaction once again proves what   prevention guidelines,  at the same time,
                                                                               turning a blind eye to similar activities
          Many of the victims were killed by   he said  on record during one of the   by the ruling party candidates, lay bare
          live  bullets  from  uniformed  and  plain   retreats  for  his  ruling  NRM  (National   the fact that the coming elections are
          cloth soldiers and police. Bobi Wine   Resistance Movement) party. He is   already compromised.
          supporters took this as a strategy used   nobody’s  servant,  but  rather,  a  And that does not come as a surprise
          by the ruling party to intimidate and   revolutionary leader who fights for   to the long time observers of Uganda’s
          squash their growing dissent movement.   himself and his beliefs.    politics  under  Museveni, who  during
          Kyagulanyi, a presidential candidate   When  he  captured  power  on  his more than three decades of rule has
          for the January 14, 2021 elections, on   January 29,  1986, by use of the gun,   twice changed the constitution, first in
          the ticket of his NUP (National Unity   Museveni famously wrote that «the   2005  to  remove  the  presidential  term
          Platform) party, was detained for two   problem of Africa in general and   limits, and later in 2017, to abolish the
          days by police while on the campaign   Uganda, in particular, is not the people,   age limit which barred people over 75
          trail in the eastern part of Uganda.   but leaders who want to overstay in   years old from running for president.
          Authorities accused   him of breaching   power.» Thirty-four years later, he   It is in line with the vow that Museveni
          COVID-19 preventive guidelines.   is using the same weapon to silence   made back in 2001 while referring to
          President  Museveni  could  have  the young generation, most of whom   the acquisition of power through the
          demonstrated  some  decency   by  have lived their entire life under his   barrel of a gun - he compared himself
          coming out and condemning the     rule, whose  main  crime  is  to  demand   to a cotter pin in a bicycle crank,
          excessive use of force and consoling the   change through the ballot.  which is inserted by hammer and can
          bereaved families, as is expected of any   While it is true that some criminal gangs   only be driven out by the same means.
          democratic leader. Instead, his guerilla   took  advantage of  the chaotic  situation   Contemplating removing him through
          fighter’s instinct may have told him that   to loot and attack civilians and security   the ballot is a waste of time, at least for
          showing compassion would be taken for   personnel alike, which should be equally   now.

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