Page 16 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
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by embracing a two-term limit for the
          president that did not exist before.
          The National Dialogue Conference
          unanimously adopted a two five-year
          term for the president.
          Furthermore, the conference resolved to
          a adopt a mixed federal system with full
          political, administrative, and financial
          powers to the states and restricts
          federal interference in state affairs, but
          recommended the establishment of the
          32 states that was a major contention
          before the Transitional Government of
          National Unity (TGoNU) was formed in
          February.                         Inside the South Sudan National Dialogue Conference held at Freedom Hall in
          The people of South Sudan also    Juba, South Sudan from 3-17 November 2020. Photo: South Sudan National
          ephasised the strict adherence to the   Dialogue Secretariat.
          separation of powers among the three   Ninety per cent of South Sudan’s land   governed be it on land, security and
          arms  of government: the  executive,   mass (640,000 square Km) is considered   economy.
          legislature, and the judiciary and further   arable, yet only four per cent is cultivated,   “We should remind ourselves, and the
          recommended credible independence   with about 80 per cent of South Sudanese   politicians that they should listen to the
          of the legislature and the judiciary   households depending on subsistence   people because, in a few short years, we
          from executive interference. They also   agriculture for their livelihood.  will have general elections here and the
          adopted  the  presidential  term  limit  of                          people  will  decide  who  their  leaders
          two five years.                     South  Sudan has  been  spending  a   are going to be for the future,” said Mr
          On security, the conference called for   meager $34 million to the agricultural   Shearer.
                                            sector, a far cry from the African Union-
          reforms and transformation of the   inspired Maputo Protocol that requires   On National Cohesion, the conference
          through creation of a professional   countries on the continent to allocate 10   resolved to urgently that the government
          National Army and other organized   per cent of their budgets to agriculture   should expedite the enactment of
          forces, through recruitment of South   annually.                     legislation on the establishment of truth,
          Sudanese from all regions and ethnic                                 healing and reconciliation commission.
          communities.                      Currently,  the  government   has  The  Co-Chairman  of  the  National
          But  the  conference  was  seriously   embarked on ensuring food security and   Dialogue, Angelo Beda, could not
                                            sufficiency.  The  focus  is  the  greenbelt
          concerned about the impact of small   areas — Greater Equatoria and Western   have been more candid on the national
          arms and light weapons in the hands   Bahrel-el-Ghazal. With quick maturing   cohesion. He pointed fingers the Sudan
          of civilians and strongly recommends   crops, these areas can have harvests up   People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)
          comprehensive  and   simultaneous  to three times a year.            for failing the nascent country and
          civilian disarmament across the country.                             plunging it into turmoil.
          President Kiir lunched a national   Land ownership, on the other hand,   “Prominent among the issues we found
                                            remains traditional and locals are still
          disarmament programme in September,   wary of foreigners seeking large tracts   went wrong, is that the people at the
          but it has met some resistance from   for commercial farming. Land rights—a   grassroots  blamed  the  crises  in  the
          some communities who feel that they   major factor of production—was a key   country  on  the  failure  of  leadership,
          will be left exposed if they give up their   factor in the 21-year SPLM war against   particularly under the ruling party, the
          arms and their neighbours don’t.  the north.                         Sudan People’s Liberation Movement
          On the economy, the conference—apart   South  Sudan resisted the Unregistered   (SPLM)”.
          from calling upon the government to   Land At of 1970, which stipulated that   He continues; “When we reference SPLM,
          restore  macro-economic  stability—  any  unoccupied  land  belongs  to  the   we are talking about the SPLM before it
          resolved to diversify of the economy   government, and Civil Transition Act of   broke into the numerous factions as we
          by making agriculture the engine of   1990, which also denied any recognition   know today. The SPLM took the helm
          growth and using oil revenues to fuel   of customary land rights and asserted   of power in South Sudan following the
          this engine through investment in roads,   that the land in the country belongs to   signing of the Comprehensive Peace
          telecommunication  and  electricity;  Allah and the state was only the inheritor.   Agreement (CPA) in January 2005. You
          South                             The Special Representative of the UN   cannot say you are SPLM-IO, FD, SSOA,
                                                                               you are all part of it because the people
          South Sudan still depends of 98 percent   Secretary-General  David  Shearer,  who broke, were at the top”.
          of revenue earnings from oil exports, yet   reminded the South Sudan politicians   The government is also required to
          the country has vast arable land that can   that  the  ordinary  people  want  to  have   undertake repatriation of the almost 1.2
          feed the entire eastern Africa.   a real say in the way the country is   million refugees in the  neighbouring

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