Page 12 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 12

Leaders & Politics



          January 14

                                            Museveni on the campaigns

              gandans will vote for a president   different,  but  Museveni’s  style  remains   He has  been charged with intending to
         Uon January 14th. The campaigns    the same. Like he treated Kizza Byesigye,   “alarm, annoy or ridicule” the president.
          have been on since November 2021, in   the same way he is treating Bobi Wine,   He was also charged with inciting
          a poisoned environment that cannot be   arrests, disruption of political rallies,   violence after being accused of calling
          described as free, fair and democratic.   killings of supporters and all manner of   on his supporters to physically harm the
          The Uganda security forces seem to   police brutality.               president.
          have predetermined outcomes that they   Byesigye is not in the race and is   At least 15 million Ugandans will queue
          cannot see any other way.         supporting Kyagulanyi, who, going by   in their respective polling stations to
           Crowds are dispersed with tear gas and   the politic tempo in the country leading   choose their preferred leaders in the
          bullets, over 60 people have died since   to the January 14, polls, is not pushover—  January 14 polls, and as always the
          the campaigns became, t the hands of   he is giving Museveni sleepless nights.  greatest attention is focused on the
          the police. Campaign meetings in the   That the security forces have engaged   presidential race.
          capital are banned                politically can be illustrated in the   The last time this happened in 2016,
          In power since 1986, former rebel fighter   direct attacks,  arrests  and  disruption   many people suggested that President
          Museveni has is running again, under   of Robert Kyagulanyi’s campaigns. On   Yoweri Museveni would be defeated by
          his National Resistance Movement   December 30 , for instance, Bobi Wine   long-time opposition candidate Kizza
          (NRM) party. In Uganda, the political   was campaigning on an island in Lake   Bessigye, Museveni retained his iron
          establishment is closely intertwined   Victoria. Police and soldiers waited   grip on the country. And sure enough,
          with the military, that hold significant   for  him.  They  stopped  his  convoy  and   he won by 65.75% against Besigye’s
          influence on the state, and further has   arrested members of his entourage. They   35.37%.
          representation in parliament.     threw tear gas grenades at journalists on   The same thing is likely to happen in
          In the coming presidential election,   the scene, and then ordered them to stop   2021.  Many  commentators  are  excited
          the strongest opposition presidential                                about the chances of Bobi Wine of the
          aspirant is pop star and lawmaker   using their phones. Mr Wine himself   People Power party, Robert ‘Bobi Wine’
          Robert Kyagulanyi, also known as Bobi   was bundled into a helicopter: the police   Kyagulanyi – especially since he formed
          Wine, whose angry, political music has   insisted they were not arresting him, but   an opposition alliance with Kizza
          made him a sensation.             merely taking him home. “The candidate   Besigye, who now leads the People’s
          Other candidates include incumbent   was restrained,” said a statement, “for   Government, a Kampala-based pressure
          President Yoweri Tibahaburwa Kaguta   holding massive rallies amidst the   group.  However, there are good reasons
          Museveni, 24-year-old John Katumba   increased threat of coronavirus”.  for believing that Museveni will hold on
          and Nancy Linda Kalembe, the only   Earlier , in November 2020, dozens of   to power.
          female candidate.                 his supporters were arrested as they   While in the previous elections, claims of
          Also in the race are former Security   escorted him through the streets of   voter bribery,  intimidation and rigging
          minister Henry Tumukunde, former   Kampala when he was cleared by the   were cited as the reasons for Museveni’s
          army commander Mugisha Muntu,     electoral commission to run  in next   has been winning, this time around the
          Norbert Mao, Joseph Kabuleta Kiiza,   year’s presidential election.  global COVID-19 pandemic seem to
          Patrick Amuriat Oboi, music pop star   Since he expressed his presidential   handed the ruling National Resistance
          Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, Fred   ambitions, police and the military have   Movement (NRM) the best excuse to
          Mwesigye and Willy Mayambala.     repeatedly dispersed his rallies, and   apply and enforce unfairly the public
          Time and circumstances may be     beaten and detained his supporters.  health regulation on challengers.

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