Page 17 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 17

counties of Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia,
          Republic, and provide compensation to  Some of the Key
          Uganda,  DRC  and Central  African

          those whose homes and properties were
          destroyed during the war.    has National Dialogue
          On    implementation—which   for
          establish a High-level Monitoring and  recommendations:
          observers—the conference resolved to
          Evaluation Committee that shall report
          to the president and the parliament on   • The need for a permanent constitution   civilian disarmament measures were
          the status of the implementation of the   and the importance of leaders to   proposed and resolved, with an emphasis
          National Dialogue Resolutions.    uphold nationalism over tribalism.   on the importance of continued local-
          According to Co-Chairman, Angelo   In discussions on state structure and   level and inter-generational dialogue
          Beda, the gross human rights violations   power sharing, the National Dialogue   to facilitate peaceful co-existence.
          have characterized the conflict that   recommended a mixed system of   Concerning communal relations, the
          broke out 2013. The level of ethnic   federal governance where states have   delegates resolved that a national healing
          hatred was exacerbated by the brutality   administrative and political autonomy,   and reconciliation process  should  be
          that the government and rebel forces   with some concurrent powers shared (as   conducted immediately following the
          exacted on the citizens.          Stipulated in R-ARCSS Chapter 6).  conclusion  of  the National Dialogue
          “There was a great deal of skepticism                                process.
          about the intention of the President and   • Conference delegates proposed actions
          this process and many people rushed   to expedite the implementation of   •   Delegates   representing   youth
          to the conclusion that this process is   security arrangements of the R-ARCSS,   successfully submitted their request
          simply a smokescreen to whitewash   including  investigating  delays  to  for 20% youth inclusion at all levels of
          the President’s actions and to extend   Chapter 2 implementation, protection   government. This request was passed
          his stay in power. Some people as far   of human rights, and professionalization   as  a conference recommendation for
          as saying that this process was simply a   of organized forces. The need for   the national constitution review, along
          monologue as the oppositions were not   a  comprehensive  disarmament,  with the recommendations to increase
          part of it,” said Mr Beda         demobilization  and   reintegration  women governmental representation
          The 15  subcommittees  were Central
          Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Western   programme was also highlighted.  from 25% to 35%, and 5% for persons
          Equatoria, Lakes, Northern Bahr el   •  Immediate,  medium,  and  long-term   with disabilities.
          Ghazal, Abyei, Warrap, Western Bahr
          el Ghazal, Jonglei, Pibor, Unity, Upper
          Nile, National Headquarters, Organized
          Forces, and Refugees and International
          These subcommittees were responsible
          for the conduct of the Grassroots
          Consultations in the 79 counties of South
          Sudan plus Abyei. Due to insecurity
          however, the Akobo County of Jonglei
          was not reached as well as the Panyijar
          of Unity State and Raja in Western
          Bahr el Ghazal; although consultations
          with members of these counties were
          conducted elsewhere and  their  voices
          were included in the Grassroots
          Consultations outcomes.           A 15-man delegation from the Peace and Security Council of the African Union met
          According to Mr Ring, what the country   with the Leadership of the National Dialogue in a show of solidarity with the people
          requires  now,  is  that  the  political   of South Sudan at the National Constitution Review Commission. The Delegation
                                            Headed by the Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Smail Chergui,
          leadership should restructure the   comprised of 9 Ambassadors (Morocco, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho, Togo,
          country’s priorities, by putting their own   Angola, Algeria, Djibouti) and 6 Representatives (Kenya, Nigeria, Gabon, Sierra
          personal needs at a lower level, below the   Leone, Zimbabwe).
          state priorities.

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