Page 21 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 21

Finance & Economics

          IMF Approves

          US$52.3 Million

          to South Sudan

          to Address

          the COVID-19

          Pandemic                              Ms Kristalina Georgieva as the new IMF Managing Director

                                            created urgent balance of payments and   worsened living conditions for millions
             fter years of South Sudan pleading                                of South Sudanese. This means the
         Awith the global lender despite    fiscal financing needs.            financial support from the IMF will
          joining  in  2012,  the International   “The authorities’ efforts to address the   provide  the  much  needed  breather,  by
          Monetary Fund finally released $52.3   human and economic effects of the   reducing the economic and social cost
          million disbursement in November.  pandemic  are  appropriate and  have   of adjusting the economy toward a
                                            helped limit its spread. Additional
          This is the first time a still fragile country   financing  from  the  international  sustainable path.
          like South Sudan has received financial                              As it were, South Sudan has also been
          support from the IMF to address the   community remains critical to close   hit  hard  by  the  sharp  decline  in  oil
                                            the external financing gap and ease the
          urgent balance of payments needs                                     prices during the pandemic, yet the
          that  has  been  impacted  by  Covid-19   adjustment burden,” said Mr Furusawa.  proceeds from oil exports account for
          pandemic and the drop in global oil   He said that the board was convinced   97 percent of exports and a large share
          prices.                           that the authorities are committed to   of budget revenue. The exchange rate
                                            pursuing macroeconomic stability by
          The emergency funds disbursement                                     is depreciating, contributing to higher
          under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF)   implementing  fiscal  consolidation,  inflation.
                                            limiting the use of monetary financing
          to help its economy weather the shock of                             Then the pandemic and oil price shock
          the COVID-19 pandemic.            of the deficit and containing reliance on   created severe economic disruption,
                                            non-concessional debt. They intend to
          According to IMF Executive Board, the   safeguard poverty-reducing and growth-  leading to deterioration in the fiscal and
          disbursement will help finance  South   enhancing spending.          external balances, and a sharp decline in
          Sudan’s urgent balance of payments                                   growth, reversing some early gains from
          needs, contain the fiscal impact of the   The  Governor  of  the  Bank  of  South   political stability. South Sudan economy
                                            Sudan, Dier Tong Ngor, told the media
          shock  and  will  provide  critical  fiscal                          is projected to contract 3.6 percent
          space to maintain poverty-reducing and   soon  after  that  IMF’s  first  financial   in 2020/2021, which constitutes a 10
                                            assistance to South Sudan will help the
          growth-enhancing spending.                                           percentage drop prior to the pandemic.
                                            country stabilise the currency after its
          The South Sudan authorities have   rapid depreciation.               While donor support in the past was
          committed itself to public financial                                 largely  focused  on  humanitarian
          management reforms, transparency and   “This facility is given to South Sudan to   operations, South Sudan requires large
                                            address a gap, and will be used to address
          accountability to ensure that the RCF                                investments in infrastructure, human
          resources are used appropriately and for   the current challenges we are facing in   development, and stronger institutions.
                                            the market. Once the money hits our
          their intended purpose.                                              The RCF provides emergency financing
                                            account, we will embark on intervene in
          In a statement following the release   the market,” he said.         to deal with the most acute challenges
          of the fund, IMF Deputy Managing                                     of the crisis. At the same  time, the
          Director, Mitsuhiro Furusawa, said that   South Sudan is emerging from a   IMF is providing technical assistance
                                            prolonged civil conflict that has lasted
          the  Covid-19  pandemic  has  severely                               to help with modernising South Sudan
          affected South Sudan and reversed early   seven years with a very high human   institutions necessary for public financial
                                            cost—about  400,000  dead  and  over
          gains from political stability. The health                           management,
          and economic impact of the pandemic,   2million displaced in and outside the   The focus will be on budget planning,
          coupled with the decline in oil prices,                              cash management, and the establishment
          led to a collapse of revenues and have   Recently, floods and locusts have further   of a treasury single account.

                                                                                            The Nile Explorer 012   |  21
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