Page 26 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 26

Around Africa

                  If approved, IMF
                 funds made available
                under a major issuance
                 of the IMF’s Special
                Drawing Rights (SDRs)
                – reserves from central
                   banks of all IMF
                members – will provide
                 additional resources
                   to cash-strapped
                 governments on the       A grab of the G20 virtual summit (Courtesy AP)
         Africa’s post COVID-19 economic recovery

         and debt relief

             frica’s  economic  growth  could   extreme climate events.        aftermath.  The  number  of  people  in
         Arebound in 2021, provided that    Under    projected  scenarios  for  extreme  poverty  in  Africa  (using  the
          governments manage the COVID-19   contraction of growth, Africa could   $1.90 international poverty line) could
          infection rate well, according to updated   lose between $145.5 billion and $189.7   reach 453.4 million in 2020 as a result
          forecasts from the African Development   billion of GDP in 2020, according to the   of the pandemic, compared to 425.2
          Bank, released in December.       publication.                       million under the no-outbreak scenario.
          In a comprehensive socio-economic   The report calls for urgent policy   The report comes as African countries
          assessment of the pandemic’s impact,   interventions to  mitigate  the impact   are  waiting  with  bated breath  for  the
          the Bank said growth was now projected   of the pandemic: “Across Africa, the   Joe  Biden  administration and  other
          to rebound to 3% in 2021 from -3.4% in   response must be well-sequenced   rich economies under the G-20 to
          the worst-case scenario for 2020.  and multipronged, involving a public   consider a proposal to allocate at least
          The predictions are contained in a   health  response  to  contain  the  spread   $200 billion held in unused reserves
          supplement to the Bank’s African   of the virus and minimize fatalities,   at the International Monetary Fund
          Economic Outlook, which was released   a monetary policy response to ease   to deal with the adverse impact of the
          on 30 January 2020. At the time, Africa’s   liquidity constraints and solvency risks,   coronavirus on their economies.
          growth was forecast at 3.9% in 2020 and   and a fiscal response to cushion the   Africa is currently staring at a pandemic
                                                                               response funding gap of approximately
                                            economic impacts of the pandemic on
          4.1% in 2021.
          The report cautioned that the growth   livelihoods and to assist businesses.”  $100 billion annually over the next three
                                                                               years, according to initial estimates
                                            Other proposed interventions included
          outlook for 2021 and beyond would   labour market policies to protect workers   by the United Nations Economic
          depend largely on African governments’   and their jobs, and structural policies to   Commission for Africa (Uneca).
          effectiveness in flattening the curve of   enable African economies to rebuild and   If approved, IMF funds made available
          the  outbreak  and  policies  to  reopen   enhance their resilience to future shocks.  under a major issuance of the IMF’s
          economies.                        The report warned that the tourism,   Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) –
          The report noted that the curve of   transportation,  and  entertainment  reserves from central banks of all IMF
          the pandemic in Africa was flattening   sectors may take longer to recover.   members – will provide additional
          gradually. However, COVID-19 remains   Between 2017 and 2018, African travel   resources to cash-strapped governments
          a serious threat to lives and livelihoods,   and tourism grew by 5.6%, compared   on the continent.
          given weak healthcare systems and   with the global average of 3.9%.  However, given that SDRs are allocated
          limited social protection. The continent   According to the report, in the worst-  in proportion to each country’s
          also remains vulnerable to other regional   case scenario, an additional 49 million   shareholding (quota) in the IMF, what
          threats such as the locust swarms that   Africans could be pushed into extreme   is required is for the largest shareholders
          have struck  East Africa, as well as to   poverty by the pandemic and its   of the bank to reallocate their unused

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