Page 22 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 22

Science & Health




          countries still


           t is a Eureka moment, as the world   Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa
         Iemerges    from   a   destabilizing
          COVID-19 pandemic with a glimmer
          heightened hope and expectation   Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional     priority populations for vaccination and
          to defeat the coronavirus pandemic   Director for Africa highlighted the   have plans in place to reach them,  44
          nightmare after  a  few companies   importance of strong planning and   per  cent have  coordination  structures
          announced  successful vaccines,  and  in   preparation for successful inoculations   in place, according to WHO analysis.
          unprecedented time drug authorities   against COVID-19.              In addition, 24 per cent have adequate
          gave approvals for the start of mass                                 plans for resources and funding, 17
          immunizations.                    “The  largest  immunization  drive  in   per cent have data collection and
          The first news of a potentially effective   Africa’s history is right around the   monitoring tools ready, and only 12 per
                                            corner, and African governments must
          vaccine was announced by the U.S.-  urgently  ramp  up  readiness.  Planning   cent  have  plans  to  communicate  with
          German collaboration of pharmaceutical   and preparation will make or break this   communities to build trust and drive
          companies Pfizer and BioNTech on   unprecedented endeavour,” she said.   demand for immunization.
          November 9, which announced that                                     WHO has provided its Vaccine
          preliminary studies had shown that   “We need active leadership and   Readiness Assessment Tool to all 47
          the vaccine could prevent people from   engagement from the highest levels of   countries in its African Region. The Tool,
          getting infected with the virus by up to   government with solid, comprehensive   for use by Ministries of Health, provides
          95 percent.                       national coordination plans and systems   a roadmap to plan for COVID-19
                                            put in place,” added Dr. Moeti.    vaccine introduction and covers ten key
          Pfizer said that it would manage to
          produce 6.4 million doses of its vaccine   According to the analysis, based on   areas, from planning and funding, to
          for distribution within the U.S. by mid-  countries’ self-reporting, the African   training, monitoring and community
          December, with over one billion by the   region has an average score of 33 per   engagement.
          end of 2021.                      cent readiness for a COVID-19 vaccine   The UN agency and its  partners
                                            roll-out, which is well below the desired   also issued guidance on COVID-19
          There   have   been    subsequent  benchmark of 80 per cent.
          announcements of new vaccines in                                     vaccination planning and deployment
          the offing, with the manufacturers   WHO, together with Gavi, the Vaccine   for governments, to help them
          giving the same 2020/2021 timeline   Alliance,  Coalition  for  Epidemic  design strategies for the deployment,
          for production and delivery. Therefore,   Preparedness Innovation and other   implementation and monitoring of
          hope  and  expectation  is palpable   partners, is working to ensure equitable   COVID-19 vaccines and better integrate
          across the globe; however, as developed   access to vaccines in Africa through   their strategies and financing to boost
          countries kicked off the start the biggest   the COVAX facility, the vaccines pillar   efficiency.
          ever immunization in human history,   of the WHO Access to COVID-19   Africa’s  hopes  of  receiving  the  vaccine
          African countries is still unprepared.  Tools  Accelerator.  When  vaccines  are   are  pinned on the  global  COVAX
                                            licensed and  approved,  COVAX  will   initiative, which aims to buy and deliver
          Unfortunately, the African continent is   work to secure enough doses to provide
          “far from ready” to roll out what will be   protection to an initial 20 per cent of the   vaccines for the world’s poorest people.
          its largest ever immunization drive, the   African population, said WHO.   UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
          UN World Health Organization (WHO)                                   has reiterated that the new vaccines be
          said recently.                    However, only 49 per cent have identified   treated as “ a global public good” mde

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