Page 24 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 24

East Africa

         Kenya, UK

         ink post-

         Brexit trade


                                            President Kenyatta meeting with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. FILE PHOTO

             he UK, 8 December, signed an   Kenya has for four years struggled to   not move freely.
         TEconomic  Partnership  Agreement   rally its EAC peers to sign and ratify   It is against this background that new
          with Kenya. The deal was signed in   EAC-EU pact so that it comes to force,   preferential trade agreements with the
          London by International Trade Minister   and Kenya’s exports continue to access   EU or between the UK on the one hand,
          Ranil Jayawardena and Kenya’s Cabinet   the 27-member EU bloc tax-free under a   and African nations presently trading
          Secretary for Trade, Minister Betty   temporary special arrangement.  with the UK (and the EU) on the other,
          Maina.                            Rwanda signed the deal but failed to   become very important and necessary.
          The  post-Brexit trade deal with the UK,   ratify it into its laws, while Tanzania and   The most optimal scenario for African
          preserves duty- and quota-free access   Uganda have not approved the pact.  exporters of goods to the UK will require
          of  the East African country’s exports as   The EAC countries except Kenya are   new preferential bilateral EU-UK trade
          London  formally  exited  the  European   shielded from higher tariffs on exports   agreement.
          Union (EU) at the end of the year. The   under the World Trade Organisation’s   The main Kenyan exports to the UK in
          UK-Kenya trade was worth £1.4 billion   (WTO’s)  Special  and  Differential  2019  were  coffee,  tea  and spices  (£121
          in 2019.                          Treatment provisions because they are   million), vegetables (£79 million) and
          According to the two ministers, the long-  Least-Developed Countries.  live trees and plants, mostly flowers
          term treaty would “enhance privileges   The Brexit deal will certainly affect   (£54 million). The UK market accounts
          for agricultural goods and confer   African countries exporting goods to the   for  43% of  total  exports of  vegetables
          originating status” to exports from the   UK, traditionally an important trading   from Kenya as well as at least 9% of
          six-nation East African Community   partner. African exporters generally   cut flowers. This agreement will also
          (EAC).                            enjoy quota-free duty-free access to the   guarantee continued market access for
                                            EU countries, including the UK while it   UK exporters, who together sold £815m
          This follows bilateral negotiations,   was an EU member.             in goods and services to Kenya in 2019.
          which started late September, 2020, after
          Nairobi’s bid to hold the talks under the   These preferences were granted under   As the largest economy in East Africa
                                                                               and  among  the  top  10  across  the
          EAC framework flopped, with the rest of   the Generalized System of Preferences   continent, Kenya is an important trading
          its EAC peers snubbing the meetings.  (GSP) of the EU, its Everything but Arms
                                            (EBA) arrangement for Least Developed   partner for the UK. The deal is based on
          “We have agreed on a comprehensive   Countries (LDCs) and the SADC-EU   the terms previously agreed between the
          package of benefits that will ensure   Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)   EU  and  the  EAC  and  includes  clauses
          a secure, long-term and predictable   with the member states of the Southern   to allow other East Africa Community
          market access for exports originating   African Customs  Union  (SACU)  and   states to join in the future.
          from the EAC free trade area,” said Trade   Mozambique.              While the UK deal is good news for
          secretary Betty Maina in the statement.
                                            African countries exports (mostly   Kenya, there is unhappiness in the EAC
          The strategic Economic Partnership   agricultural products) exported under   countries—,Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania,
          Agreement  (EPA)  agreed  by  the  two   these  arrangements are  only  cleared   Burundi and South Sudan— who are
          nations and which will now await   once, at the first port of entry. When   said to be other EAC “strongly opposed”
          approval by respective lawmakers, is   subsequently distributed to different   to the Kenya-UK deal. They claim that
          based on the text in the stalled EU-  EU member states. With the Brexit   Nairobi’s unilateral deal with London
          EAC trade pact, which Kenya ratified in   deal, further distribution (e.g. from   undermines the EAC’s customs union
          October 2016.                     Rotterdam to Germany or the UK) may   (CU).

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