Page 23 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 23

available  to  everyone  in  the  world.  He
          appealed for $4.2 billion (€3.5 billion) in
          the next two months for COVAX.
          John Nkengasong, head of the Africa
          Centres for Disease Control and
          Prevention (Africa CDC), told a virtual
          news conference that it would be
          “extremely terrible to see” rich countries
          receiving COVID-19 vaccines while
          African countries go without.
          Vaccinations  are  not  likely  to  begin
          in Africa until mid-2021, according
          to Nkengasong. He estimated in an
          articles published by the science journal
          “Nature”.  that  it  could  even take  until
          October to secure the total 1.5 billion
          vaccine  doses needed  to  reach 60% of
          the continent’s 1.3 billion people, two
          doses of the vaccine are required for full   A staff member tests samples of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine at a vaccine
          protection from the coronavirus. The   production plant of China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) in
          cost would be between $7 billion and   Beijing, China, April 11, 2020.
          $10 billion.
          Not many countries in Africa can afford   efficacy rate of about 95%. Russia says its   also on the debate of the COVID trials
          the coronavirus vaccine. COVAX was   Sputnik V vaccine is 91% effective.   in Africa.
          set up with that in mind — the initiative                            There was uproar at the onset of the
          aims  to  ensure  that  poor  countries   And the vaccine’s efficacy rate of 79%   pandemic when a French television host
          receive further financial aid. The World   is  lower  than  the  86%  announced  by   asked scientist Camille Locht whether
          Health Organization (WHO) says 46   the United Arab Emirates for the same   such studies should not be carried out
          African countries can benefit.    vaccine on December 9. The UAE based   in Africa, “where there are no masks, no
                                            its results on an interim analysis of late-
          Two billion vaccine doses are supposed                               treatment options and no resuscitation
          to be made available by end of 2021. But   stage clinical trials conducted there from   measures.”
                                            July. It has since approved the vaccine for
          according  to the vaccine alliance Gavi,   public use.               Africa CDC Director Nkengasong says
          one billion doses have been planned for                              that at least 60% of Africa’s population
          the poorer 92 countries.          The Sinopharm vaccine has a higher   would need to be vaccinated over the
                                            efficacy rate than the one developed
          A recent study by Oxfam, a UK Charity                                next two to three years. “If the delay takes
          revealed  that  industrialized  and  by the UK’s Oxford University and   us to four to five years then the virus will
                                            AstraZeneca, which averaged 70%. The
          emerging countries have already secured   UK became the first country to approve   be endemic in our communities,” he
          more than 5billion vaccines, Africa   the vaccine for public distribution,  warned.
          CDC Director  John  Nkengasong fears                                 WHO estimates the cost of rolling out
          that not enough vaccine will be left for   Given that the UK’s Oxford University   a COVID-19 vaccine on the African
          the African continent.            and AstraZeneca trial were done in   continent to priority populations will
                                            collaboration with a number of African
          Moreover, the vaccines that are already   countries, it seems to be the best   be around US$ 5.7 billion. This does not
          on the market in the west cannot be   candidate for Africa’s COVID-19 mass   include an additional 15% - 20% cost for
          appropriate for Africa. The BioNTech-  immunization programmes, its efficacy   injection materials and the delivery of
          Pfizer vaccine used in Britain, for                                  vaccines, which require trained health
          example, has  to  be  cooled  at  minus   notwithstanding. Further studies are   workers, supply chain and logistics and
                                            said to show that two doses of the
          70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees   vaccines spread over 30 days do improve   community mobilization.  This cost is
          Fahrenheit). In many rural areas in   its efficacy.                  based on COVAX facility estimates of
          Africa, there is hardly any electricity                              the average vaccine price at US$ 10.55
          supply, the hope therefore for the   Africa CDC Director Nkengasong has   per dose and that a two-dose regimen
          continent is the AstraZeneca vaccine   urged the continent’s governments   will be needed.
          and the other vaccines by the Chinese   to rebuild their cooling systems by   Widespread campaigns to distribute
          pharmaceutical Sinopharm and the   February. Seidel says the COVAX   COVID-19 vaccines in Africa will likely
          Russian  Sputnik  V.  These  vaccines  do   initiative is also supporting African   only  begin  in  the  second  quarter  of
          not require the ultra-low temperature   countries in this aspect.    next year because of challenges around
          freezers,  but  can  be  handled  under   Yet, another challenge that governments   accessing vaccines and preparing
          normal refrigeration.             and experts anticipate is some resistance   countries for their distribution, said John
          The Sinopharm vaccine is less effective   from people receiving the COVID-19   Nkengasong, Africa Centre for Disease
          than those developed by Pfizer-   vaccine because of the debate and   Control and Prevention director, during
          BioNTech and Moderna, which have an   conspiracy theories around vaccines, but   a press conference in mid December.

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