Page 19 - Nile Explorer Issue 12
P. 19






          November 17, 2020.

            steemed delegates to this historic
         ENational Conference Excellences the
          Vice Presidents of the Republic of South   Excellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit
          Sudan,                                                               up consultations.
           Honorable Speaker of the Transitional   overcoming doubts cast on the value   The Revitalized Agreement on the other
          National Legislative Assembly Rt.   of National Dialogue certain quarters   hand, came as a result of talks between
          Honorable Speaker of the Council of   from the star and for availing both   political elites, which make it narrower
          States All Senior Government Officials,  material and technical resources to   in scope. However, the Agreement has
          Your Excellency Molana Abel Alier Kwai   support us. Specifically, I would like   constitutional sanctity that the National
          Kut, Co-Chair of the National Dialogue  to thank the Japanese Government for   Dialogue  lacks, despite  its popular
          Your Excellency Angelo Beda, Co-Chair   their contribution and UNDP for the   legitimacy. Therefore, we should not
          of the National Dialogue The Rapporteur   stewardship it provided during this   attempt to replace the agreement
          of the National Dialogue,Hon. Bona   period. By the way, the Japanese are   with the consensus reached through
          Malwal Madur Ring,                among few donors we have that do not   the  National  Dialogue,  but  rather  use
            Religious  Leaders  and  Members  of   attach strings to their support.  the  National  Dialogue  as  a  guide  to
          National Dialogue Steering Committee   Last but not the least, I would like to   enrich the forthcoming Permanent
          and Secretariat Members of Diplomatic   thank you, the delegates who travelled   Constitution-making process that the
          corps, Representatives of AU, UN and   to Juba from different corners of our   Revitalized Peace Agreement mandates.
          R-JMEC Distinguish Special Envoys   country to participate in this conference.   Esteemed delegates,
          from the region Ladies and Gentlemen.  Your presence here signals your desire to   the last four years of this national
          I greet you all in the name of our country,   contribute towards shaping the future of
          the Republic of South Sudan.      your country. Let me also congratulate   conversation have not been easy. At the
          On December 14 2016, I had the    you for candidly sharing your views at   beginning of National Dialogue, I was
          honour to launch this great event whose   grassroots, at regional conferences and   accused of using this process to dodge
          conclusion we are witnessing today.   here at the national conference.  responsibility of finding a peaceful
          When this work started, not many   The  issues  you  raised  deserve  full   settlement to the conflict. Others,
          people thought it would arrive at where   attention of your leadership. Ladies and   objected to this process on the basis that
          we are today: sharing views gathered   gentlemen, your views on numerous   it was not inclusive enough, despite the
          from the grassroots in the duration of   issues affecting our country at multiple   fact that the process was designed to
          almost four years on a national platform.  levels: on governance, security, economy   reach our communities where-ever they
          What this process has achieved is   and social cohesion have been heard.   reside.
          commendable and for this, I would like   There  is  no  doubt  that  the  outcome  of   Today, the presence of these delegates
          to thank the national co-chairs, Molana   National Dialogue represents the views   in this hall, and the rich discussion
          Abel Alier Kwai Kur and Hon. Angelo   of a broad cross-section of our society   that went on from the start of National
          Beda for steady leadership they have   on the issues raised. This means there is   Dialogue, and in the last three weeks
          provided during this process. I would   no question about the legitimacy of this   here  in  Juba,  clearly  demonstrates  that
          also like to thank Members of Steering   process.                    the accusations labeled against me and
          Committee led by Hon. Bona Malwal   With this in mind, we need to remind   the process have turned out to be false.
          Madur and Amb. Dr. Francis Mading   ourselves that what has been produced in   The organizers of this national
          Deng for the incredible support they   this process must be harmonized with the   conversation, for example, have fulfilled
          have given in guiding this process.  Permanent Constitution making process,   their mandate as demonstrated by the
          Let me also recognize the Secretariat   which is provided for in the Revitalized   cross-section of our society represented
          of the Steering Committee for their   Peace Agreement. The Revitalized   in this hall. The views expressed by you,
          efforts in ensuring grassroots views were   Peace Agreement is not merely an   the delegates throughout this process,
          gathered, documented  and shared in   integral part of our Constitution, it is   have nor been approving of any party
          this conference. Those involved in this   in essence our fundamental law itself,   including, the SPLM that was accused of
          process from its inception know that we   and all other processes, including the   initiating National Dialogue to save its
          have received substantial support from   National Dialogue, must ultimately be   soul. The Peace Process I was accused of
          our regional and international partners.  reconciled with it. Yes, the National   replacing with the National Dialogue is
          I would like to thank these partners for   Dialogue has been broad-based bottom-  now under implementation.

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